Eddie Brock x M!Reader ~ Old Friends

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News of the Life Foundation's collapse spread quickly along with Journalist Eddie Brock's return to television. The man's face appeared everywhere to the point I had a hard time ignoring his presence. We used to be friends as children until high school where I confessed to him about my feelings for him and he shot them down with a tank; well, it felt like a tank anyway. We lost sight of each other until a few years ago when I moved to San Fransisco where Eddie seemed to be a popular journalist.

"Yo, (y/n)! The regular, I presume?" I stepped up to the counter of a small coffee shop on the edge of town run by my friend from college, Mat Sella, called Coffee Spoon Barista. I nodded, sitting down in a window booth and pulling out my laptop to get to work. I wore a green beanie, a purple hoodie, with a pair of black pants, with black hair and (e/c) eyes. Mat approached my table with my drink in hand; he was a tall, dark man with brown dreadlocks and a navy denim sweater over a purple V-neck and forest green pants.

"One large French Vanilla and one Ginger Molasses cookie on the house," he said with a wink. I smiled up at him, thanking him before focusing on my screen. As Mat left, I felt his heart rate increase using my mutation; I am able to read a person's vitals and control blood as you would water. When using my powers, my (e/c) eyes turn red while deep red swirls appear on my body. Once my family found out during high school, they called me a monster and kicked me out of the house so, I hid my powers and continued with school before leaving for college in Wyoming where I met Mat.

"Hey, (y/n)!" Carmensita, Mat's daughter, walked into the shop with flowers in her hair. I waved at her, taking a sip of my coffee as she sat across from me with wide eyes.

"You seem happy," I teased, typing up my report for the agency I worked for.

"Hmm, this is why!" she squealed, turning her phone to show me a picture of Eddie Brock in a brown leather jacket, grey t-shirt, and dark blue jeans. "He's walking towards the shop right now so, I'm gonna take his order! See ya!" she chirped, running through the Staff Only door to change into her uniform to stand with her father. A knot in my stomach formed as I looked out the window to see if he was actually on his way. Pulling my eyes away from the window, I continued to do my work as time flew by; a familiar voice dragged me out of my concentration.


"I thought we could try something new. No, we talked about that. Fine, we'll eat that for dinner if you let me get my coffee here." I glanced to the counter to see him talking to.... nobody. With my eyes flashing red quickly, I noticed an irregularity within his vitals that seemed unearthly. I scanned him to see if he was talking to an earpiece but I saw nothing except for his beautiful blue-green eyes. Shaking my head slightly, I gazed back down at my laptop to see a new email from my director.

"Is this seat taken?" I jumped a bit and looked up to see Eddie standing by my table. After a few seconds, I nodded with a faint blush painting my cheeks before reading over the email. He smiled and sat across from me as he sipped his coffee, pulling out a small leather-bound notebook. We sat like this for over an hour until he closed his book to speak to me.

"I get the feeling I know you, have we met before?" My cheeks became flush, looking him over to see how he had changed from high school. Gathering my wits about me, I tried to give him a lie yet the truth.

"You might have seen me in school or something, I moved around a lot." He hummed, looking out the window in thought.


"I do not! Why would I do that?!" he fumed; I looked back up with a raised eyebrow. "It's not you, just chatting to myself!" he blurted out, the tips of his ears turning red as he realized what he had said. I snickered before closing up my laptop and putting it back into my bag; I stood up and slung it over my shoulder.

"Well, have a good day," I said, heading for the door to leave Eddie still sitting in the booth. As I walked down the street, gunshots came from a nearby intersection where a bunch of cop cars blocked the road with policemen shooting at a strange being. Looking about, I ducked into an alley to use my powers to hide my identity and change into my SHEILD uniform.

"Well, let's help these people," I ran out of the alleyway, created wings, and flow towards the creature with immense speed. I pinned it down, waving my hands about to control his actions before grabbing an electric net to encase him in. Cheers and applause surrounded me as I handed him over to the police, jumping over cop cars to disappear into another alley. I changed back into my real form: (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes.

"(Y/n)?" I spun around quickly to see Eddie gawking at me. Nodding, Eddie rushed over to me with open arms to envelope me in a hug. "God, I missed you."

Wow, touching. I pulled back to see a strange head move out from Eddie's body.

"What the-?"

"(Y/n), this is Venom. He's my parasite."

Parasite!?! It screamed. It seems I'm not the only weird one here. Why don't you tell him how you feel, Eddie?

"Not happening." I looked back at Eddie, my blush growing stronger the longer I stared at him. With the knot in my stomach returning, I gathered up all my courage to tell him how I felt.

"My feelings for you never left, Ed. I'd like to try again." Eddie's face grew red as he rubbed the back of his neck before nodding.

"I'd like that too."

As would I.

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