Jack Robinson x Reader ~ An Eventful Day

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Unlocking the doors to the police station, I walked into the dark office with papers littering the desks. With the lights off, the sunlight of the early morning lit up all the dust that rested over everything from the night. I sighed and turned on the lights to start the cleaning process, the broom next to the hall doorway sat mockingly.

"Oh, boy." Reaching for it, I began to sweep the floors throughout the building. A few of the overnight cell patrons greeted me, smiling and waving as I shuffled all the dirt from their doors. Mainly drunkards with throbbing headaches; I headed to the station kitchen to make them some breakfast.

"Thank you, (y/n)." I earned happy grins and sounds of content with the food. Heading back to the front, Hugh Collins was taking off his coat and cleaning up the papers. I smacked the back of his head, earning an awarding "OW!" from him.

"Normally, it's clean. I see that goblins must have destroyed the office in our absence." I teased the constable, watching his chest puff up and his cheeks turn red slightly.

"Sorry, we were busy with this case," Hugh defended, handing me a folder with documents of criminals who could be the killer. "Ah! Don't let Detective Inspector Robinson know that you saw this!" Hugh exclaimed as I handed him back the folder with a smirk.

"Of course, Hugh. My lips are sealed," I taunted, winking as I continued the morning opening system I had developed over my time in the "force." An hour passed, most of the constables and detectives arrived in a reasonable time except for a certain man. "Where is he?" I huffed, twirling about in Jack Robinson's desk chair in boredom.

"(y/n), the inspector won't like it if he found you in his chair." Hugh popped his head in the doorway, a worried expression plaguing his face. Sighing, I spun around again and again just to piss off the constable a little more and play around with his nerves.

"He is right, you know." Looking behind Hugh, the inspector himself stood with an unimpressed look. I waved shyly as he entered his office and removed me from his chair with an annoying huff. "A coffee would be nice, (y/n)." He waved me away while he looked through the files on his desk. I made my way to the kitchen with cheeks as red as tomatoes; I found the kettle and began to heat up the water.

"Ass," I grumbled under my breath.

"He's only doing his job," defended a sweet girly voice in the doorway. Dotty Williams, Collins' girl, placed a basket of homemade scones and soup on the counter next to me with a smile. "Besides, Miss Fisher is enough to handle," she giggled. I joined in, finishing up Jack's coffee.

"Is she here about the current case?" She nodded, following me down the hall back to the office where we heard Phryne and Jack complain about her dangerous antics. "Coffee?" I called, walking over to Jack's desk.

"Hello, (y/n)!" Phryne chimed, kissing my cheek happily. I smiled back, leaning on the wall behind his desk to watch as they continued to talk about the case. "Jack! I know who it is!" Miss Fisher exclaimed, snatching her clutch from the inspector's desk and rushing out the station with Dot in tow.

"Collins, get the car!" Jack called, grabbing his hat and coat. He suddenly stopped and turned towards me, reaching into a pocket for a handkerchief. Holding my face in one hand, he wiped off the bright red lipstick that stained my right cheek. "She, uh, left some colour on you." I nodded slowly as I watched him leave, my cheeks still bright red but not from the makeup.

~~~Time Skip~~~

As the sun began to leave the sky, Collins busted through the station's doors with a wounded Robinson hanging off his shoulder. I had seated myself in Collins' desk with an Agatha Christe novel in hand before watching Fisher follow them in and rush to Jack's office.

"(Y/N)! Get the First Aid Kit!" cried Hugh, applying pressure to the wound. Dot and I dashed to the bathroom, grabbing things to heal the wound.

"The bullet is still in his shoulder!" exclaimed Phryne. Once we returned, we all looked at each other, seeing who could remove the bullet that was making Jack writhe in pain. I took off my (f/c) sweater and rolled up my button-up shirt sleeves, swinging around a chair to sit on his right.

"Hand me the tweezers, thread a needle, and get some hot water," I instructed, opening Jack's shirt to see how deep the shot was buried. It hadn't reached bone so, removing it shouldn't be a big issue. Phryne placed the tweezers in my open palm, helping Hugh with the water moments later. "Okay, this will hurt."

"Not even going to sugarcoat it?" Jack grimaced as I slowly opened the wound and digging lightly with the tweezers to find the iron round. His hisses in pain hurt my heart as his blood stained my hands, the others standing around tensely as I shifted the tweezers in Jack's shoulder. "Got it," I exhaled, letting the other's breath as well. Slowly pulling the bullet from his arm, I dropped them both into the hot water and watched as Dot tied the knot in the thread.

"No alcohol?" teased Jack with pain in his eyes. I gave him a mocking laugh before sewing up the hole in his shoulder, using my teeth to snip the thread close to the wound. "Show's over, go home. All of you," Jack ordered, shooing us away. As we exchanged goodbyes, Jack held my wrist to stop me from leaving while the others, including Collins, left the station.

"Shall I take you home?" I asked, smirking. Jack nodded to my surprise, trying to stand and grab his things. "Okay... Hey, put those down. I'll grab everything, you just don't move that arm and go to the car." Doing as I said, Jack left the building and watched as I locked the door. Helping him in, we drove down the quiet streets.

"Thank you, (y/n). For everything." Jack grabbed my hand, grazing his thumb across my knuckles. I smiled, checking the road before kissing his cheek quickly.

"Anytime, Jack. Just be careful next time." 

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