Richie x F!Reader ~ That's What She Said

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His hair whipped his face as he passed me on his bike with his friends that rode in front of him. Richie Tozier, a boy I had had a crush on for the longest time but never had the courage to even talk to. I already knew a few of the Losers but not Richie; today was going to be different though! Kicking my bike stand, I sped off behind them to see where they were going. I stopped a few feet away behind a tree to see them heading to the edge of a pond, stripping down and diving into the fairly cold water.

"Hey, you coming Bev?" asked a voice to the girl now looking in my direction.

"Yeah, Ben. In a second," she replied, slowing walking towards me. With my heart in my ears. I spun around the trunk and rested my back against it. I peered around the side after a minute to see nothing. "Hey, (y/n). What are you doing?" Beverly's voice from behind spooked me out of hiding, making me land on my butt. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you! Want to join?" she asked, stretching out her hand to help me.

"Sure!" I smiled, standing up and stripping down to my underwear to stand next to Bev over the edge of the cliff.

"Hey, guys! (y/n) is going to join us!!" Bev called, smiling widely as she jumped with my hand in hers. The water stung as it hit my skin, making my teeth chatter once I surfaced. The boys all welcomed me with smiles and even hugs; Richie did neither though, sadly. As we splashed about in the water, Richie grew more distant from the group, not cracking jokes like normal. We sat on the water's edge after a while, soaking up the sun and getting dry.

"Beep Beep, Richie! And don't call me spaghetti man!" cried Eddie as Richie teased him about his mom. I watched the Losers all joke and smile before checking the watch that Stan now wore on his wrist. "Something wrong, (y/n)?" asked Eddie as my face twisted in horror.

"Oh! It's just... at this time in the day, a group of guys always hang around my way home. I don't feel safe riding home with them nearby." I shivered as I thought back to their gross hands grabbing at my skin.

"Hey, why don't we w-walk you home?" suggested Bill, resting a hand on my shoulder. The others agreed but soon all realized something.

"Actually, I have to get home before my mom gets angry again!" exclaimed Ben, Eddie nodding as to say that he also had to get home. Mike and Stan soon realized they had other things to do as well, leaving just myself with Bill, Bev, and Richie.

"Come on, let's get you home." Bev got dressed as she smiled at me. The four of us peddled off, riding through Derry with glee; Richie rode by my side, Bev and Bill lead the way. We came to the corner where the boys stood smoking and swearing; I instinctively stopped my bike and hid behind a bush. "(y/n), why don't you go over to Richie's house and wait till they're gone?" Bev winked, elbowing Bill.

"Y-yeah, Richie will protect you!" Bill teased as the two fled, leaving Richie and I alone.

"Come on," he huffed, riding in front of me. We parked our bikes in his backyard and headed inside; my breath hitched in my throat as we entered the very tacky yet modern house. "My parents are out of town for the week so, don't worry." I nodded, sitting on the couch as he went to the kitchen.

"Hey, Richie!" I called feeling a warm glow on my cheeks. "Can we talk?"

"Yeah, want a Coke?"

"Sure... I have something to tell you," I mumbled, taking the bottle from him. He looked confused as we sat two feet apart, signalling me to go on; I put the bottle down as my hands grew clammy. "I like you, Richie." His eyes glanced around the room as I waited for an answer; he dropped his bottle and smashed his lips one mine. We fit like puzzle pieces, moved in sync, and pulled apart breathless.

"Been waiting a long time to do that," Richie chuckled. My face grew hot as I covered it with my hands. "You're cute when you blush. Want to go to my room?" My heart skipped a beat, I nodded before getting off the couch with him.

"Hold on," I hummed, checking out the front window. The boys had not moved, smoking cigarettes and playing around with switchblades. The fear I once had flew from my chest as I looked back at Richie on the stairs.

"You coming?" asked Richie.

"That's what she said!" I chirped, pecking his cheek as I sped up the stairs ahead of him. 

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