Jim Hawkins x F!Reader ~ Him

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Requested by Alyssajj11 

Your mermaid tail and bra 

Your mermaid tail and bra 

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An odd ship docked by the bay I used as my hiding spot, its crew just as weird. I'm not one to judge as I happen to be a mermaid, a strange creature of the water. I hid now behind a large rock that was a little way from the edge of the water. As I watched them travel towards the path that would lead them to town, a boy caught my eye as he seemed the most normal out of them all. 

"Cute," I mumbled, watching as he walked along the sand. Feeling my cheeks burn, I rested my back on the warm stone with my hand clutched against my chest. Slowing my breath, I turned back to look and see if he was still there.

"Jim, my boy! You comin' to town with us?" called a gruff voice; the voice came from a very creepy and very round cyborg man. Jim, the boy, shook his head while removing the boots he wore. He approached the water's edge, shivering once the water hit his feet; he stood there, closing his eyes and breathing deeply as the sunset covered his face in colours.

"Morph?" he called once he opened his blue eyes. A jiggly noise came from beside my head; I shrieked as a tiny me stared back at me, splashing it with water while trying to move farther behind the rock. "Who's there?!" I covered my mouth to quiet myself. Tiny me turned into an arrow that pointed directly at me, giving away my position. I tried to wave the thing away, shushing it as I flailed about. It suddenly went quiet, the sound of the waves being white noise to me now. Shoving the creature aside, I peeked around the rock to see nobody there but his boots.

"AAAH!!" I cried as Jim's head broke through the water in front of me. His blue eyes locked with my (e/c) ones, holding me in a fascinated gaze.

"You're a mermaid," he breathed, treading the water as the pink floating slime rested on his shoulder. I nodded at his words, flicking my tail above the water. "Beautiful... Sorry! I'm Jim," he blundered, holding out a hand.

"(Y/n)," I said meekly, grabbing his hand.

"Woah! Your skin is so soft! I thought it would be scaley or slimy." I giggled as he looked over my hands with interest, his smile as bright as the sun. I squeezed it tightly and swam him to the little cove I called mine, splashing him once I let go. We played about in the water, splashing and dunking each other with grinning faces. His feet were now just in the water as he sat on the ledge of the pool while I rested my arms beside him,

"Will you be on Vypso for long?" I asked, gesturing to the ship. He shook his head, his smile disappearing slightly. "Well, you can always visit! You know where I'll be," I beamed. He stood from the pool in thought, pacing back and forth as his furrowed brow moved with his thinking.

"You should join the crew!" he exclaimed, rushing over to me. I stared at him in surprise.

"We've only known each other for a few hours and you're asking me to be a part of the crew? That's a big commitment, shouldn't you be taking me out to dinner first?" I asked jokingly, swinging my tail side to side under the water. His face flushed bright red causing him to cover his face with his hand.

"I thought... you'd like to so we can be with each other longer," he murmured. My face turned the same colour as his words melted my heart. "I know you're a mermaid and all but, we can find a way to get you onboard."

"I think I have a solution," I contemplated, motioning him to wait as I dived down below the blanket of blue. The water whipped around me as I swam through it. The cave I called home under the sea came into view and I swam into my room faster than light. "Where is it?" I grimaced as I destroyed my room while also packing my things for the trip. Smiling brightly, I grabbed the oyster and bolted up to the cove to show Jim my plan.

"A shell?"

"Silly, it's what's inside the shell. This is a necklace my mother gave me when I was little, said it was magic or something. So, why can't it give me legs?" I grinned, handing it to Jim so he could clasp it around my neck. The little pearl rested on my chest, glowing a faint purple before growing warm against my skin.

"Give me your hand. I hope this works!" Jim pulled me up onto the ledge, the water sliding off me to show two functional legs where my tail had once been. The boy blushed, rushing away before returning with his clothes and tying his coat around my nude waist politely. "Nice... legs."

"Thank you!" I giggled, kissing his cheek and holding his hand. Steadying me now and then, we walked to the ship to start a life in the stars together.

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