Will Graham x F!Reader ~ The Dark

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Sitting in my car, I looked at the house where my boyfriend lived with his many stray dogs. I picked at the skin by my nails as I checked the time. 1:00 am. Most people would be in bed by now but I've already been there and it didn't go well. I'm at Will's house due to a horrid nightmare that woke me up only thirty minutes ago.

"It's okay. He loves you; he'll be happy to see you. Yeah, let's go," I whispered to myself, leaving the car and heading to the front door. It creaked open as I pushed the wood; a few of his dogs came up to me with loving stares as I walked into the warmth. Kicking off my Uggs, the floor was covered in dog beds and tools. Will looked up from the machine he was working on, his eyes surprised yet soft.

"Hey, (y/n). You okay?" he asked, dropping the screwdriver. Tears began to pool in my eyes as I fell to the floor next to him, resting my head against his chest. "Shhh, it's okay. I'm here, I've got you." He stroked my (h/c) hair while rocking me back and forth; cold noses pressed against my arms as the dogs surrounded us.

"Sorry, didn't mean to worry you," I hiccupped, moving away from Will to pet their fur. Winston, being attached to Will, nuzzled and pushed his way under Will's arm to rest his head on his leg.

"Seems we all need love tonight," Will hummed, kissing my forehead. "Want to talk about your nightmare?" My chest tightened as the creature flashed across my eyes. Shutting them tightly, I shook my head quickly, not wanting to relive it. Sighing, Will wrapped his arms around my body, lifting me up bridal style to the bed and tossing me down. The dogs became excited as I landed, jumping up onto the bed to snuggle close.

"Hehe, I love you too," I giggled, watching as they piled around me. Will, still standing by the bed, removed his jeans and changed into a light grey t-shirt before breaking through the fluffy boys to land his head on my stomach. "I saw him," I mumbled after a while, "I saw Hannibal as the beast."

"Sorry to get you involved in all this," apologized Will, lifting himself up to look at my face. I wrapped my arms around his neck, shaking my head with a soft smile.

"I fell in love and promised to be by your side, it's my choice. We'll be okay." Will nodded, pressing his forehead against mine. Moving up the bed, we got under the covers to get ready to sleep in each other's arms. As my eyes adjusted to the dark now around us, the shadows began to move and ungulate to form the beast from our dreams. Taking a deep breath, I snuggled my head into Will's chest as I drifted off to sleep.

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