Mike Waters x M!Reader ~ Room...Boyfriend

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A knock at my door drew my eyes away from the television; leaving the couch, I grabbed the blanket off the end of the couch to wrap around my shirtless frame. I opened the oaken door to see my old friend Scott Favor carrying Mike Waters in his arms, Scott's car was seated in my driveway with Carmella in the passenger's seat. Scott wore a black suit and tie as he carried the orange coat cladded man past the threshold.

"Hey, (y/n). We were heading out for our date night when Carmella saw him on the side of the road asleep. Could we drop him off here to keep him safe for the night?" I looked down at Mike with a faint blush on my cheeks before nodding and showing Scott upstairs to the guest bedroom so he could put Mike down.

"We'll pick him up tomorrow morning and take him home, sound good?"

"You know, I really need a roommate, Mike can stay here. You look nice, by the way." Scott smiled, kissing my temple before leaving for the car. I waved as they pulled out, sighing as I went into the kitchen to boil the water for tea. The sound of movement came from upstairs as it seemed that Mike had awoken; you see, the man has Narcolepsy so he can fall asleep anywhere at any time.

"How did I get here? (Y/n)?" I turned towards the stairs to see Mike with messy hair, a white t-shirt, and grey sweatpants looking confused as he scanned his surroundings; his eyes widened a bit once he spotted me. Smiling, I turned back to the kettle to pour the hot water into two mugs with mint tea bags.

"Scott found you sleeping and brought you here to be safe from prowlers," I answered, handing him a mug before sitting back down on the couch. He hummed, swaying as he sipped the tea; he sat down next to me, reaching around to wrap the blanket around himself as well.

"I could get used to this," he mumbled, snuggling closer to me while settling down comfortably into the couch.

"You can stay if you want, I don't mind." I leaned back a bit into Mike's arms as we both stared at the TV.

"I'd like that, you just got yourself a boyfriend." My cheeks lit up as he spoke. I turned to him with wide eyes, with a laugh, I tried to process what had just happened.

"I was just think-thinking you'd be more like a roommate," I stuttered, turning into a tomato. Mike dramatically looked hurt as he looked down at me.

"So, I'm not your type?"

"It's not...not that. It's just so soon but I guess having you as a boyfriend would be nice."

"Then it's decided! I love you, babe." Mike kissed my cheek quickly before watching the TV once again. As my mind registered what had just happened, Mike had fallen asleep again with his head resting on my shoulder.

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