Lily x F!Reader ~ Morning Surprises

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Saturday morning, the sun was hidden behind fluffy grey clouds that had been pouring down rain since yesterday. Lily and (y/n) hadn't gotten up and it was already 12:30 in the afternoon, they seemed to be perfectly happy in bed.

They laid in bed, foreheads pressed together, just gazing into each other's eyes and taking in every detail they could of the other. Only the sound of silence greeted their ears, it was peaceful and one moment that they treasured every chance they got.

Noble, or Lost Pause on YouTube, was lily's boss due to the fact that she was his mascot. Today she wasn't needed so she had a day off with her girlfriend, (y/n). (Y/n) had been there for her the entire time and was friends with Noble and his girl so everything was A-Okay!

A few times their phones would go off but they would go unnoticed to the two lovebirds. Lily moved her hand to grasp (y/n)'s but was interrupted by her sneezing which scared Lily straight off the bed, landing flat on her butt.

"AHHHH!!" a loud thud was heard from the other side of the bed.

"Lily! Babe, are you okay?" (Y/n) leaned over the bed to check and see if everything was alright. Lily looked up and smiled at her worried little birdy, reassuring her she wasn't hurt. A loud sigh came from (y/n), which made the fox giggle a bit at her antics.

Lily crawled into bed, pushing (y/n) down so she was flat on her back and placed her face in the crook of (y/n)'s neck, softly humming and quickly falling asleep with (y/n) quickly doing the same.

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