Gina Paulklee x F!Reader ~ Celebrer

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Requested by AnalynAlcantara


"Erm, excuse me Sir Paulklee," Ginger spoke as she walked into Gina's office. I sat on Gina's lap, straddling her as she read a few reports before Ginger had walked in; my head rested on her neck with my eyes slowly closing from the lack of sleep from last night.

"What's up, Ginger?" she asked, taking a drag from her cigarette.

"D-Doug bumped into one of the Benriya during his mission..." Ginger seemed nervous as she shook slightly in the doorway.

"Benriya? Actually, we are on good terms with them. I remember telling everyone to avoid any quarrels but..." I butt in, asking a very fundamental question that we needed.

"What is Doug's objective? What kind of request did he take?" Ginger's face furrowed, her hands fumbling over each other as she answered.

"'s a request from the Corsica family. About taking the head of the Monroe family's representative?" I sat up, Gina let her cigarette fall, getting off her lap to walk out with Ginger so Gina could think.

"What do you think we should do, (y/n)?" I leaned on the wall, deep breathing to calm myself to think clearly.

"I'm not sure, Ginger. We can't let them kill each other but we can't really get involved. I hope Gina thinks of something." The office door opened and Gina stepped out holding her dart gun; she opened her cigarette box and placed one in her mouth, waiting for me to find my lighter. I clicked it a few times and lit her smoke ablaze; she took a drag and kissed my cheek before signalling us to follow her. As we walked through Ergastulum, the sounds of blades clashing became closer and closer.

"Right here, isn't that Worick?" I pointed out. Gina nodded and approached him, letting Ginger and I tag along.

"You look serious. What's wrong? Worick, are you troubled by something?" she asked him, he looked at her with a surprised expression. Doug and Nicolas stood a few feet away, weapons brandished at each other with Nicolas covered in his own blood. He has overdosed.

"Ginger, get Doug," I ordered, she nodded and sped towards him, picking him up before Nico could slice him.

"D-Did you forget that fighting conflicts with the Three Principles? S-S-Stop this immediately!" she stuttered, Doug yelled her name as Nicolas walked towards them threateningly. I was about to stop him when Gina blocked me and let Worick pin him down instead; he whispered something to him and I watched as Nicolas dropped his sword. Gina started to leave the alleyway, reciting the principles.

"Article one; Twilights mustn't intentionally hurt humans. Destroying the overall balance by disregarding this rule is forbidden. Article two; Twilights must obey orders directed to others by humans. However, orders that conflict with the article one are exceptions. Article three; if the situation does not conflict with articles one and two, a Twilight must defend oneself."

"This has been taught since childhood. We Twilights have a risky situation. When not obeyed, everybody will be trouble," I continued, walking up behind Doug to pat his head in slight comfort as I knew what would happen next as Gina was pissed.

"In addition, we're forced to clean up everyone's mess around the city, right, love," I nodded, "Do you know how annoying that is?" I sighed, slightly stepping away from him as Gina stepped forward; Doug started to speak.

"Why'd you come, Gina. I can take care of him myself..." Gina held her gun up to his forehead and shot him. Doug curled up on the floor, asking her why as Ginger hid behind Gina timidly; my mind went blank so what happened next was a little blurry. I watched as Nico was shot and Worick had his gun stolen by Ginger, Gina stood over Nico as she spoke of what was in her gun I guessed. She had shot them both with Downer as Celebrer gives us Twilights some specific power-ups with pain tolerance. A drop of rain hit my nose as I came to, Gina shot Nico one last time before walking back to me.

"You okay, dear?" she asked. I nodded as I watched Ginger begin to walk back as the rain began to bullet down. Gina held my hand, kissing my temple to ease my thoughts was we left Doug and the Benriya to themselves. I felt bad for leaving them like that but that's how life works in this world.

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