Newt Scamander x M!Reader ~ Briefcase of Love

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As I snuggled with Mooncalfs and Puffskeins, Tina and Queenie took their 'lunch break' from taking care of Newt's creatures while Jacob took care of the Demiguise he had grown to love and create an attachment to. The sound of a pail of food awoke the Mooncalfs and caused them to leave the pile to eat; a dozen Puffskeins were still cuddled to my chest in content.

"Better wake up, (y/n), or all of my pastries will disappear," taunted Jacob as he fed the creatures surrounding him. Grumbling, I started to poke off the Puffskeins and make my way to the table with food, grabbing a Niffler-shaped pastry and munching down on them. I looked around to see that Newt, the owner of the animals, taking care of a baby Thunderbird that seemed to have a broken wing of sorts. I walked over to him and offered him a bit of my pastry; he blushed before turning his head a bit, handing me the little guy, and grabbing the pastry.

"How's Franky Junior?" I asked, patting the bird's head as he snuggled up in my arms sleepily.

"He's been doing better. He...really seems to like you. He might like it if you....stayed the night?" I looked at the other stood behind Newt and gave me thumbs up; I thought for a minute, looking down at the sleeping creature before nodding. A small smile tugged at Newt's lips making him turn his head away once more and leaving to tend to the other creatures.

"So, you gonna tell him yet?" Queenie asked, sitting down next to me with a sweet smile. I shrugged, petting the sleeping bird's feathers; I do really like Newt but was it worth it?

"Of course it is! You two would be so cute together!" squealed Queenie, Tina nodded as she sat on a log in front of us; Jacob took a seat next to Queenie, kissing her cheek.

"Go for it, you can do it tonight! You'll have the best chance then, kid!" Jacob said. Newt came back with a sleeping Grindylow in his arms as he noticed them chatting about.

"Are you leaving?" he asked, watching as Jacob grabbed his coat and Queenie's as well. Tina smiled before nodding at Newt's question: nodding, Newt showed them out while I placed the sleeping Thunderbird in its nest to sleep comfortably.

"Could you help me put the rest of them to sleep?" Newt asked nervously, I nodded and walked with him to check on all the creatures. After a while, all the animals had been put to sleep and both Newt and I were tired and ready to sleep ourselves.

"I think it's our bedtime too," I stated, Newt nodded and showed me to our sleeping area. We snuggled up under the covers and lied in silence for a while, the air growing tense and awkward between us.

" you," Newt spoke softly. I turned towards him and smiled, kissing his nose before cuddling up to him with my response.

"I love you too, Scamander."

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