Kadoya Tsukasa x F!Reader ~ If You Love Me For Me

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Requested By @TalyorGriffith879  

Based on the song ^^^


I danced around the apartment, holding the hem of my (f/c) sundress as I twirled around to the music I blasted from the speakers. My face beamed with childish glee as I sang along to one of my favourite Barbie songs.

"Could I be the one you're seeking? Will I be the one you choose? Can you tell my heart is speaking? My eyes will give you clues," I sing, swaying absentmindedly to the piano's notes. I twirled and danced in front of the large window overlooking the tall skyscrapers.

"You're such a child," a voice teased once the song finished. Giggling like a madman, I spun around to see my boyfriend, Tsukasa, leaning against the door frame. "Is this what you do when I'm out?"

"Hehe! Only sometimes; I found this dress in my closet and thought it might look pretty when I twirled." I grinned like a fool as he wrapped his arms around my waist. His soft lips nipped and kissed my exposed neck as I hung onto his neck.

"This dress is dangerous," he mumbled, slowly moving his hands to the zipper at the back. "Extremely dangerous."  

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