Five x M!Reader ~ Just Coffee

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Requested by hella_died 


"And the guy had no idea what the class was about even though he said he could cover for her." I sipped my coffee as I listened to my good friend vent about their college life, catching me up after being out of town for a few months. We sat in a local café with a sort of cottage-core aesthetic in a window booth. Glancing at said window, I saw someone blip into space just in front of the window. They rushed to the café door and burst inside, making direct eye contact with me.

"(Y/N)!! Is this where you've been?! I called you an hour ago, geez!" Number Five in his cute academy uniform shouted and glared at both me and my friend.

"I'm chatting, am I not allowed to have friends besides the Hargreaves?" I taunted, crossing my arms over my semi-muscular chest. His ears grew bright red as he gripped my arm and blipped us into his car, my seat belt already across my body. I waved goodbye as Five zipped through town. "Haven't seen you in months and this is how we meet? The hell is going on," I asked, raising an eyebrow in speculation.

"Is that what you call just chatting? A cozy romantic coffee house in a private booth? You two were flirting!" Five raised his voice, giving me a perfect idea of what was happening.

"You're jealous! They're interested in girls, Five. We're just friends," I assured him, punching his shoulder playfully. His face went from embarrassed to stone-faced and serious.

"The apocalypse is in a week...again. I needed to find you beforehand." I watched his knuckles turn white as he squeezed the stirring wheel. Even though he looked thirteen but was mentally sixty, my heart quickened at the thought of him worrying about me. My cheeks grew pink as I felt bad for the teasing before.

"Again?" I puzzled, pushing past the whole needing-to-find-you thing.

"It's a long story, too long. In short, Vanya was the cause of the first one and in trying to stop it, we made way for another." His explanation hurt my brain but I nodded anyway. "I didn't want to go through it without you, not again." A hand placed itself on my thigh, squeezing it in comfort; I held it in my own hand, brushing my lips gently along his fingers. Our eyes met once he brought the car to a stop at a streetlight, his icy blue eyes locked themselves with my (e/c) ones.

"You're not alone, Five. I'm here," I breathed as we moved closer towards each other. With our lips a hair apart, I closed the gap. He breathed in sharply before moving in tandem with me; a horn broke us apart as the light turned green. Our faces were the same flush red as we continued the journey to wherever Five had in mind, his hand never leaving mine.

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