Ryo Kurokiba x F!Reader ~ Try it

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Requested by WeebSan0942  


"Ojou-sama," hummed Ryo from the kitchen. I sat in the living room, typing up an essay that was due the next day. Looking over the back of the couch, I saw the black-haired boy leaning in the kitchen doorway with a caring smile on his usually emotionless face.

"Need something, Ryo?" I asked, leaving the couch. He pulled my hand, leading me to the counter where a plate of food sat.

"It's a new dish I'm trying. Could you taste it for me?" he asked, running his thumb over my knuckles. I nodded, kissing his cheek before grabbing a fork from the drawer. "It's grilled halibut with peach and pepper salsa." I took a bite; the flavours were overwhelming, mixing perfectly to create a warm glow in my chest.

"It's delicious, Ryo! You did amazing," I cheered, smiling with full cheeks. Making another forkful, I turned to my boyfriend with a grin. "Ahh~" Chomping down on the fork, his eyes lit up once the taste hit him.

"You're right, (y/n). Thank you," he cooed, wrapping his arms around my waist. I run my hands through his hair, getting lost in his guyliner eyes before closing the distance between us. His lips were soft against mine, moving passionately. "Love you, Ojou-sama."

"Love you too, my chef!" 

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