Sirius Black x F!Reader ~ Puppy Cuddles

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        (Y/N) POV

As I sat in the (your house) common room reading Sherlock Holmes, the doorway swung open to show a very tired looking Sirius with his bag dragging on the floor; the very definition of puppy eyes looked up at me through his long black hair. With a sigh, I looked back at my book and patted the couch spot beside me; I soon felt the couch dip and a head fell on to my lap as I read.

"Long day, Baby?" I asked, reading still. He hummed, snuggling his face into my stomach while wrapping his arms around my waist. Giggling, I placed a kiss on his head while he started to fall asleep; half an hour later, the rest of the marauders arrived through the doorway with Lilly in tow.

"Aww, is Padfoot tired?" taunted James causing Lilly to hit his arm playfully. Peter sat in a chair while Remus stood behind the couch I sat on, stroking Sirius's hair calmly.

"He had tough classes today so, no wonder he's already asleep," chuckled Remus. I hummed, not really paying attention to the voices around me. A pair of arms wrapped around my shoulders, Remus placed his head on the nape of my neck and reading the book I had in my hands.

"You two should be the ones dating," joked Lilly, Peter and James laughed in agreement at her thought. I looked at Remus who just shrugged before kissing my temple and heading to the fruit bowl on the table, stealing an apple.

"We're just comfortable with each other, that's all," I chimed in, letting the laughter continue. As we joked about Remus and me, the hold on my waist tightened with every jab at the idea of a relationship between Moony and I. Before we knew it, the time had come for us to head to our beds for a good night sleep; as I placed my bookmark in the book, the grasp on me wouldn't let go of me as I tried to get off the couch.

"Okay, pup. I have to get up and go to bed, you should too."

"No," he grumbled, kissing my stomach. I sighed before grabbing my wand and switching myself with a pillow for Sirius to snuggle so I could sleep. He turned over and glared at me while I sassed him, walking to my bed; I got dressed into pajamas and hopped into bed silently as to not wake the others in the (your house) bedroom. A pair of arms snaked around my chest and held me close to a broad, muscular chest.

"Your hands are a little high," I whispered.

"Don't care." I sighed and turned around and buried my face into his neck, placing a kiss on his lips softly.

"Good night, pup."

"Good night, mine."

"Are jealous of what Lilly said about Remus and me?"


"Uh huh."

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