Wrench x M!Reader ~ We All Have Scars

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"Yo! Wake up, shorty!" I opened my eyes to see Marcus staring down at me, watching as I sat up on the couch while rubbing my eyes to wipe away the sleep. Sitara sat at the table sketching, Josh was hacking away with Ray, Marcus stood next to the couch impatiently while Wrench was nowhere to be seen.

"Do you need something, M?" Marcus sat next to me, scooching next to me to talk quietly about a mission that only I, apparently, could complete.

"Wrench hasn't been seen for over four hours and I'm getting worried. The others don't know so I can't go but, you can! Would you please make sure he's okay?" I blushed slightly as I cursed the man next to me. He knew very well that I had a crush on the mask-wearing psycho and that's why I have to go out into the world. I nodded, watching as Marcus's eyes twinkled with mischief as he smiled, patting me on the back before sitting next to Sitara on his phone.

"Stupid Marcus. Stupid Wrench. Stupid...STUPID!" I grumbled as I left the hackerspace with my phone in hand, watching the tracker on Wrench's phone start to move to the beach. Pulling a grand theft auto on a black Cadillac, I drove through San Francisco listening to the engine hum and roar as I sped down the roads.

"Yo, (y/n)! How's the hunt going?" Marcus asked through the secure radio connection.

"Just fine, I've found him already. He's at the beach, I'll call you once we're on the road again. And don't listen in on our conversation!" Marcus laughed before turning off our call. I smiled lightly before focusing my eyes back on the road in search of my friend who might be drunk off his balls or just wanting to blow shit up. As I approached the beach, I noticed another lone Honda sitting near the walkway to a secluded beach where I thought I saw movement.

"Oh boy," I breathed quietly to myself as I left the car and walked down to the edge of the beach where a hunched figure with spikes sat splashing his toes in the cold water with his shoes and socks next to him. Taking off my own, I sat next to the figure and rested my aching sore feet in the water, not looking at the person next to me.

"Hey," I said, watching as the waves washed away the sand beneath my small feet. I looked over at the person beside me after he didn't answer, I saw something I never thought I would see. Wrench's pale face looked over at me, a scar over his left eye causing me to jump a little as it was unexpected, to say the least. He held his mask in his hands, looking back down at his feet before moving his mask back up to his face. I placed my hand on his with a sympathetic smile on my face.

"Why hide it?" Wrench shrugged, not wanting to talk about it any longer. I started to move my hand slowly to the red scar, getting smacked away before I could reach his face. Grumbling, I removed both my hoodie and my long-sleeved black shirt to reveal my back that was covered in scars along with my arms that had bright red lines.

"Holy fuck, (y/n). I didn't know,"

"It's fine, I'm not trying to show them off anyway. You shouldn't be ashamed of them though. Scars." Wrench smiled, making my heart melt and my cheeks flush red. He stood up, keeping me in place with his hands on my shoulders before sitting behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and placing his head on my shoulder.

"I'd rather have sex with a girl but you're the only man I think I truly love, (y/n). Will you be my uke?"

"Your what?"

"It basically means will you be my bottom?" My whole face became a tomato as I nodded, feeling Wrench placing his lips on my exposed skin and smile, leaving light kisses on my neck.

"AWWW!!" Both Wrench and I jumped, looking around to see who said that before cursing as I noticed the Dedsec channel on.

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