Draco x M!Reader ~ Common room lazy day

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Draco and I sat in the Slytherin common room, I read my Defense Against the Dark Arts textbook while my head was on his lap. Draco looked bored out of his mind by the way his head was on the headrest of the couch. Everyone had gone to Hogsmead for the day except for us and a few professors, we decided to have a common room lazy day together like most couples do.

"(Y/n), I'm bored. Let's do something together." He grabbed my book and placed it on the coffee table. I sighed and stared at my boyfriend with a small smile, giving his nose a quick boop. I moved up so I was sitting beside him on the couch, facing him.

"Well, what did you want to do then? I have homework and so do you, we could do that," he lifted his head and looked at me with his eyebrow raised in confusion. He shook his head to say no so I started to think about the other things do, I gave up after a minute or two.

"Since I can't think of anything, any ideas?" I looked at him as his face twisted in thought then it lit up. He turned to me and smirked slightly, I raised an eyebrow as he moved closer towards me.

"I thought a hug and kiss would be nice," he said with a bigger smirk as my face became a tomato. I leaned into his embrace and snuggled in his arms, I felt him relax underneath me. I turned my head up and gave him a sweet, short kiss on the lips and we stayed there until we needed air.

"Will that do?"

"I'm not sure, we DO have the common room all to ourselves we could have some fun under the blankets." I turned even redder and hit his shoulder while he laughed at me. He moved off the couch and picked me up bridal style to his bedroom, his father had requested his son have a room to himself in the common room. He dropped me onto the bed and loomed over me with a devilish lust in his eyes, I just smiled and let the day and night roll on.

Let's just say we did it more than once and he had to get my homework for me the next day.

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