Rebekah Mikaelson x F!Reader ~ I Hate You

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Requested by vxidmikaelson 


Leaving for weeks on end was normal for her. She'd text or call to check on how I was and give me updates. My phone hadn't lit up with her name on the screen for four days; my mind raced to the worst conclusions. I paced throughout the entire house, checking my phone every five seconds. To think she could be dead, caught, or lost! I quickened my steps, debating on if I should maybe call Kol to see if he knew anything.

"Where are you, Rebekah?" I whined, flopping onto the couch. I laid an arm over my eyes in a huff, listening desperately for a car to park in the driveway. Car doors slammed but never stopped running before driving off; my heart grew heavy as tears started to form. I jumped off the couch as I heard the front door open; I should oil the hinges.

"Hi," her British accent almost made me swoon once I saw her in the doorway. With racing emotions, I walked over and slapped her straight across the face, "Ow."

"I hate you!" I screamed, wrapping my arms around her in a tight hug. Familiar scents tickled my nose as I nuzzled my face; we swayed from side to side as I cried.

"Sorry, love. No service," she hummed, rubbing small circles on my back.

"Could have at least tried," I mumbled, tugging her jacket off. Shrugging, Rebekah waddled us to the kitchen, starting up the coffee machine. "It's four in the afternoon."

"Never too early, (y/n). Did you want any, love?" I nodded, not letting go as she shuffled around the kitchen. "This is difficult, hold on." Using her speedy vampire skills, she zipped us to the couch before zipping back to the kitchen, a pillow in her place.

"Rebekaaaaaaah," I groaned, grumpily sitting down on the couch. She returned with two cups of coffee and a small smile as she looked at me. "What?"

"Nothing, just realizing that I've got the better partner," she bragged, sitting next to me. I shuffled away a little only to have her move closer. "I'll try harder next time, alright?" Nodding, I took the coffee and rest my head on her shoulder, her hand moving to my thigh in comfort. With a kiss to my temple, we watched the world outside through the window.

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