Shigaraki Tomura x M!Reader ~ Cookies

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"Calling the world from isolation. Cause right now, that's the ball where we be chained. And if you're coming back to find me. You'd better have good aim," I sang, swaying to the music as I chopped up the veggies for the dinner I had to prepare for the League. None of them were home so, I had the hideout to myself: blasting music, snacking constantly, and walking around without my shirt on.

"I'm the lonely twin, the left hand, reset myself and get back on track. I don't want this isolation. See the state I'm in now?" The music blocked out the sound of the front door open, letting whoever it was sneak past me quietly. I did, however, hear the cupboard open, making my head turn in that direction to see a blue-haired beauty. I smiled at him before going back to the cutting board; I felt two arms snakes around my waist and a head rested on my shoulder.

"Hey," he mumbled, kissing my exposed neck tenderly. I hummed in response, leaning back against him and kissing the top of his head. Gently, Tomura softly played with my (h/l) hair as we moved to the music.

"Something wrong?" I asked, realizing that he only ever petted my head when he was really upset. "Bad day, huh?" Moving his chapped lips to my ear, he lightly breathed before whispering lightly.

"Eat my fucking cookies one more time, I swear, that will be the last fucking time you'll see the light of day." A shiver rushed up my spine as I realized my error: the snacks I had eaten all day had been... his cookies!

"Heyyyy, look. I didn't realize they were yours, babe!" I jittered, turning around in his arms to face him.

"They had my name on them," he growled, pressing my back against the counter with his chest. "You ate them all, (y/n). You will be punished." A red glow crossed his eyes as my heart sank, thinking of what my boyfriend had in mind.

"I-I still have to f-finish dinner," I stuttered, looking for an escape.

"Too bad." Shouldering my hips, he lifted me onto his shoulders and carried me to our bedroom. I have to be honest; they were good cookies. 

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