Trevor Belmont x M!Reader ~ For the Drink

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The bar was lively as ever in our small little town, I was hoping for a little quiet drink but when you pick the most popular, quiet was not happening. I sat in the far corner of the bar, watching the dancers go about the building in very revealing clothes. As I sipped my pit, two men and a woman walked in with strange auras emanating off of them; one looked very familiar and he seemed to think the same things as he motioned for his friends to follow him over to my table.

"Well, if it ain't the last Belmont," I teased, watching as he and the other man sat across for the woman and I. Trevor grumbled, ordering them all beers before striking up a conversation.

"So, what brought you to this shit hole?" he asked, sipping his beer.

"None of your business, Belmont. Who are these friends of yours first?" I diverted, trying to put my past behind me discreetly.

"I'm Sypha and that's Alucard," spoke the woman, gesturing to the blonde beauty sitting across from her with a lovesick twinkle in her eyes. I chuckled, bowing my head to the man as I knew the name far too well.

"I'm (y/n) Ballista, a pleasure to meet you." Alucard's eyes slightly widened before he hummed and sipped his beer delicately. Sypha jumped a bit before grabbing my hand and looked intrigued.

"You're a Ballista?! I thought your family was all dead, much like Trevor's." I nodded before giving her a little context to the claims the church had made.

"My family, the Ballista's, were disposed of before the Belmont's as we were also blamed for using dark magic as we worked with killing beasts as well. Trevor and I kind of...stuck together for a while after we both lost everything." Trevor's face was emotionless as I retold our pain to those who seemed to be trustworthy. I learned, from talking to them, that these three had taken down Dracula and were travelling the world; Alucard had Sypha put an unbreakable spell on the castle of Dracula and on the Belmont library to make sure it could never be found by anyone but those who were entrusted with the key.

"You've been having some fun, Trevor." I taunted; he hadn't said much as we spoke but he had more than enough beer.

"FUCK OFF!" screamed another person, throwing a bottle on the floor and shoving his "friend" into our table in an angry fit of rage. The guy's head hit the table, bumping the beer pint that sat in front of Trevor and spilling it all over his pants. The rest of us started to giggle as we watched him step away from the table to head to the bathroom.

"The fuck you laughing at, huh?!" shouted the angry man, stomping towards us. Alucard stood up, trying to defend us before Trevor placed a hand on the guy's shoulder, spinning him around to punch him in the face. Fists began to fly as a full-on brawl started up, I brought out my iron knuckles and started to beat my way to the door, grabbing Trevor, Sypha, and Alucard on the way out.

"Jesus, Trevor. Why did you have to punch him? It was just spilled beer," I pointed out. Trevor stumbled about before plopping down in a pile of hay, dragging me down with him as he held my hand. Sypha liked the idea of a nap in the hay so, she dragged Alucard beside us and falling asleep quite quickly. With a sigh, I looked up at the sky still holding Trevor's hand as the other two snored softly.

"I had to start it, for the beer," Trevor mumbled, shifting so his face rested in the crook of my neck. I hummed, grabbing the edge of his cloak and spreading it over the both us.

"Uh huh, for the beer."

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