Thorin x Short F!Reader ~ Size Doesn't Matter

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3rd POV

With Erebor secured to the dwarves once again and Thorin sitting happily on his throne, Dale thrived as the people from Laketown made it their home. During one of Thorin's many walks through the street cartels and quiet alleys, he met a very short woman selling roses whose beauty enraptured him. Months passed and their love blossomed, she now lives with him in the mountain. Today happens to be a very busy day for the king, meaning (y/n) was bored out of her mind as she was sprawled across their shared bed.


I watched as the lights from the candles made shadows dance along the ceiling in our bedroom. My king was out doing kingly things as my last brain cell began to fall from my head; I had finished four needle points, ate a bit too much cake, and I am done losing to Balin at chess.

"There is nothing to do!" I complained to the air, rolling over on the bed while snuggling Thorin's pillow. "Didn't Fili say he left some books in our room?" I remembered, walking to our very large bookshelf at the other end on the room. Looking about, I noticed some very brightly colored covers sitting in a place that had once been empty.

"I bought some books for you; they should be interesting." Fili's words rang through my head as I moved a stool towards the shelf. Stretching up, I tried to reach the books; I am short so this is hell! My nail tapped the binding as my legs began to wiggle and my balance wavered; I was almost there when the door surprised me.

"(Y/n), I'm done with work. How about-(Y/N)!!" I heard Thorin's voice as the world moved down. I closed my eyes in wait for the impact on the floor but two muscular arms caught me mid-fall; I looked up to see a very concerned king looking down at me.

"Hehe! Thanks for the catch, love," I giggled, kissing his cheek.

"And what were you doing?" I pointed to the books and waited for him to retrieve it for me. He sighed, placing me on the bed and grabbing the books; I snuggled into his chest once he laid next to me and began to read, Thorin grabbed his own and did the same with a kiss to my temple. After a while, he spoke again, making me blush a very dark red.

"You know you could have asked for help."

"I know," I mumbled, "are you saying I'm short?" I pondered as to why he said it.

"No, size does not matter to me. You are perfect just the way you are." 

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