Faceman Peck x F!Reader ~ Hostess love

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I still don't remember how this happened but right now, I'm letting federal fugitives live in my house. I had seen warning announcements on the TV about an alpha team that had escaped custody and was now on the run and are doing some quite dangerous stunts. As I arrived home after work Friday afternoon, the A-team was in my living room, bleeding on my carpet; Hannibal Smith was nice enough to ask if they may stay in my house to get better and for some sort of home base-thingy.

"Murdoch, please put the grenade down and away from my cat, she might pull the pin."

"Aww, mind if I use your backyard for something then?" I sighed and waved him off, heading to the kitchen for some coffee on this Sunday morning. Hannibal sat reading the paper with a coffee mug in hand while BA was cleaning his weapons next to him.

"If you're going to do that, BA, please remember to clean up your shit after you're done. I don't want to find an oil stain on my table again." BA grumbled as he continued to do his work, Hannibal chuckled at our little quarrel. I made my coffee before sitting across from him, sipping in contentment.

"I can't thank you enough, (y/n). Do you have work tomorrow?" wondered Smith. I nodded; I work as a secretary for the military base located just outside of town. Odd, right? Why wouldn't I just turn them I and get this over with? Well, to be honest, I had a slight crush on Face and a soft spot for the rest of the boys. I couldn't give them up, it would hurt both them and me!

"Where's Face? I haven't seen him all morning," I mumbled, looking out the kitchen window. BA snorted, I whipped my head around to glare at him while he just smirked. Hannibal shook his head before getting up to refill his cup; a loud explosion came from outside, we rushed to my backyard to see Murdoch covered in soot.

"Hi!" he exclaimed, waving at us. I facepalmed before looking at Smith in rage.

"Who's going to pay for this? I have a hole in my fence, black grass, and a tiny fire where he's standing!" I burst a bit at him, the boys looked shocked at my anger. Face walked out in nothing but track pants and a towel, he had just finished a morning jog it seemed; a little blush crept up on my cheeks as he approached us, dusting off Murdoch as he walked by.

"We'll fix this. Come on boys, let's get to work," grumbled Hannibal. I huffed and walked back to the kitchen, slamming my head on the fridge; I worked, I was now a host, and I had to deal with life. It was too much right now; a pair of arms snaked around my waist with a chin resting on my right shoulder.

"You alright?" Face swayed a bit, calming me down slightly to get a straight answer out of me.




"Well, how about we do all the housework for a while and you can relax. Sound good?" I thought for a moment, nodding in agreement. He let go of me, rushing to his room to get dress and help the others with the yard. I, on the other hand, grabbed another coffee and sat on the couch in defeat.

~~Time skip~~

They had finished the yard after hours of hard work and in appreciation, I made them lunch and dinner. Face tried to stop me a couple of times but I did it anyway; they had gone to bed about an hour ago while I stayed on the couch reading. I soon heard footsteps approach the living room, I had a feeling I knew who it was that was up at this hour.

"Can't sleep, Face?" I didn't look up from my book as Face sat down on the couch with me. He, once again, wrapped his arms around me and sighed.

"You should go to bed too, you know" I hummed as he stole the book from my hands.

"Okay, bedtime now." He picked me up and walked to his guest room. Tucking me in, he snuggled up next to me. He kissed me softly before falling fast asleep.


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