Bucky Barnes x F!Reader ~ Soulmate

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Requested by NemoTheGreat66 


I twirled my fingers through the air, playing with the dancing flames that were emitted from them. I sat next to a teenager doing his homework at the kitchen counter. My friend, Steve Rogers, had asked me to drop by his place to introduce me to someone I might become friends with. I happen to be able to bend fire, making me a monster to any normal person so, when he asked me to come over to his living space, I wasn't too keen on being around others.

"Hey, I'm Peter." A voice broke me from my train of thought as the kid beside me spoke, his smile sweet and caring.

"(Y/n). Nice to meet you," I replied, extinguishing the fire around my hand. Peter watched as my fingers twirled in the smoke, widening his eyes once he saw my wrist tattoo.

"Those dog tags... aren't they-"

"Hey, (y/n)! Sorry, it took so long; he wouldn't leave the gym." Steve's voice interrupted Peter mid-sentence, drawing my attention over to the buff blond standing in the doorway. "This is Bucky." I looked at his side to see a shaggy-haired man with a single metal arm; a swarm of butterflies mixed with lightning churned in my stomach once we locked eyes.

"Hi," I breathed, leaving the counter to shake his hand. It was calloused yet soft and warm, his smile filling me with the same butterflies as before. He smelled of sweat and axel grease with a hint of vanilla. Blushing furiously, I awkwardly let go of his hand and turned over to the beaming blond. Laughing, he began to ramble on about how great of friends we were going to become.

~~One Month~~

"Coffee. Now," I grumbled to myself as my feet dragged across my apartment floor. A low chuckle came from the couch; I looked over to see a soldier lying on his back, his bare chest exposed. "Shut it, hobo."

"Hey, I practically live here now and I don't hear you complaining," he teased, sitting up with a yawn. It's true. Instead of heading back with the other heroes after missions, Bucky slept over at my place since we became friends. A familiar warmth seemed to engulf us when we were together as if we had known each other for years.

"Exactly, you don't hear it. Coffee?" I mused, chucking the old coffee to replace it with a nice vanilla dark roast. He hummed, resting his forehead on my shoulder; heat rose to my cheeks, of course, but not as bad as the first time we met. Metal fingers brushed my (s/c) wrists as I worked my coffee magic. Bucky inhaled sharply once he reached the tattoo I had always tried to hide.

"What's this?"

"Soulmate tattoo," I replied, still not fully functional.

"But those are my tags... I think I have your fire," he breathed, resting the back of his hand in mine. My (e/c) eyes traced the cute little bonfire, widening my eyes in both shock and happiness. "Does this mean?" I twirled around and smash my lips against his, feeling complete as we moved in sync. We fit together perfectly.

"Yeah, I think it does."

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