Sam Winchester x F!Reader~ Christmas Braids

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(Y/n) POV

I sat in the bunker, watching Spaceballs while the boys were finishing up a hunt, a vampire nest. As I sat watching Lone star and Barf talking to Pizza the Hut, my phone pinged with a text message from Sammy.

'Hey shorty, about 15 mins away. Vamps were tough, left with a few injuries but we are both in one piece. See u soon!'

'Okay!' I giggled as I reread his text, hearing Mel Brooks say a silly one-liner. Sam texted back an 'I love you' which I gladly returned with a heart beside it. A few minutes passed, I heard the impala role up and her engine turn off. I pause the movie and walked to the door, opening the door to see the Winchesters unpack the car with a few cuts and bruises.

I put on my boots and coat to go help them with their stuff, I grabbed their clothing bags and went to put them into their rooms. I came back into the main area of the bunker to feel to arms snake around my waist, I looked up to see Sam with a giant smile plastered on his face.

"Hello beautiful, I'm going to go take a shower and then I need you to help me with something."

"Okay babe. I'll be watching the movie when you're done." He nodded his head and kissed my cheek, walking to the bathroom. I turned around to see Dean about to sit on the couch with two beers. I quickly walked towards him, grabbed a beer, and sat on the couch while pressing play.

Sam seemed to take a little while in the shower but that was okay because Dean and I got to watch the movie a little longer. That was until he came into the living room(?) with wet hair, a brush, and some hair bands. He gave me his signature puppy dog eyes with a cute little smile to make me melt and understand what the favor was.

I smiled and motioned Sam to sit by my feet with his back resting on my legs. As I grabbed the hairbrush from moose, I heard Dean chuckle at the sight of his little brother getting his hair played with. I turned my head to Dean and stuck my tongue out at him which he just shook his head. I turned back to the task at hand, my Winchesters hair.

I started to brush his hair, as well as running my fingers through it. It didn't take me that long to get out all the knots, even though it's long, his hair is easy to brush through. During that time, all three of us laughed at the movie on the TV, Dean had gotten a beer for Sam too.

I finished but decided to use the hair bands, I started a braid with all of Sam's hair. Dean started to chuckle, he must have seen what I was doing to Sammy. I looked at him as he started to laugh at his brother, holding his sides while trying not to fall off the couch. Sam must have heard Dean's laughter, as he turned his head towards his brother to bitch face him.

"Okay, you two that's enough. Be nice, Dean go shovel some snow please."

"But-'' I raised my eyebrow, Dean just sighed and went to get dressed into warm clothes. As I heard the door close, Sam turned his head towards me.

"What was dean laughing at?" I had just finished the braid as he asked.

"Go look in the mirror and find out," I said as I crossed my arms. He got up and went to look in the mirror, I put in White Christmas to watch. A loud door slam came from upstairs accompanied with someone running down the stairs. Before I could do anything, I was picked up and twirled around.

"Thank you (y/n)! I love you!" I giggled at him and gave him a kiss. Sammy smiled into the kiss, breaking for air a few moments later. He sat on the couch with me on his lap, we sat and watched White Christmas. Dean joined us a little later, covered in snow so I made hot chocolate. We sat and watched Christmas movies and drank cocoa.

A merry Christmas it was indeed!

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