Malcolm Bright x M!Reader ~ Please Help Me

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Warning!! Mental illnesses described

Requested by  Seauth   


I had first met Malcolm Whitly, or rather Malcolm Bright, on a strange case with flutes and utensils made from human bones. The bones of over five different people were placed on the autopsy table with holes, grooves, and complete spoons and forks. My eyes lit up as I held the many femurs, tibias, and humerus' in my hands. The holes were carved with a pocket knife while the utensils had been carved with a proper wood carving knife. Doctor Tanaka, the other medical examiner, walked about franticly with her clipboard as she prepared for the meeting we would be having in a few minutes.

"It's going to be okay," I whispered to myself as I felt a tightening in my chest. Watching her worry caused my brain to run wild with outcomes that could happen; my hands grew sweaty as the clock ticked away the minutes.

"Alright, what do we have?" questioned Gil as he came through the door with Dani, TJ, and one other person. He was introduced as the profiler, a man who wasn't really a cop but was damn good at his job. "Tell Bright what we've got, (l/n)." My heart sped up as my worst fear came true, I was going to have to talk. Tanaka gripped my hand behind my back, giving it a reassuring squeeze as I took a deep breath, focusing on the bones.

"There are four femurs, six tibias, and one humerus. Most of them are from different people but some are pairs. The spoon pair has a symbol from the Native American culture meaning curse. The knife and fork pair have a symbol from Anglo-Saxon culture also meaning curse. The six flutes all bore symbols from Jewish culture also meaning curse. The random spork has the symbol of new beginnings from Celtic culture."

"He's warning everyone. He hates what people did in the past and wants them to pay. Using human parts, he's taking early traditions and bringing them back." Malcolm spoke up with enlightenment, scanning the bones for any other hints.

"Here, the spork had some blood on it from when the man cut his finger. Also, a fish scale was found stuck in a flute," I mumbled, handing him the file. His face lit up as his mind put the puzzle together; Bright walked around the table and shook my hand as he said thank you. He led the other cops out the door to get their man and close the case. After that case, Malcolm and I became good friends, he always asked for my opinion on every case he had.

He would have probably done the same today except for the fact that I wasn't at work today and hadn't for a week now. I hid under my blankets as the days passed, not daring to answer the phone or look out a window as I was terrified. A week ago, I had received a call in the lab from a random number after Tanaka had handed the phone over to me; the voice I heard sent shivers down my spine and made me want to vomit.

"Found you, kitten." My abusive ex was supposed to be in Britain where I left him not in New York! The call made me go home early that day and hide in the bathtub with a stuffed elephant to cry into. With no one knowing I was in this state, every time I heard footsteps near my apartment door, I would rush to the bathroom and wait for them to leave. My phone has been buzzing and ringing for the last two days but, with my anxiety and fear, I haven't brought myself to look at the caller ID.


The front door rattled as fists pounded away, hoping to gain entry to the place I hid away in. My heart dropped as the fear tugged at my very soul causing me to hide in the bathroom once again; my breathing became fast and irregular. I reached my sweaty and shaky hands to my ears, covering them as a muffled voice shouted outside. I tightly closed my eyes, hoping to stop nausea in my stomach from getting any worse; they shot open when I faintly heard the front door burst open and footsteps charge around my apartment.

"(Y/N)!!" it shouted, going through every room. I removed one hand to cover my mouth and hold in the sobs as I felt chills run up and down my body. The doorknob shook as it tried to break in. I shut my (e/c) eyes, not wanting to see it once it rammed its body through the pale blue door. "It's okay, (y/n), I've got you." A calm yet worried familiar voice reached my ears as the smell of coffee and warm vanilla reached my nose while two arms held me close.

"Mal...colm," I whispered, horrified as I heard my own voice sound different. He hummed in response, taking the hand over my mouth and placing it on his chest. I could feel his heartbeat, his chest rising and falling.

"Breath with m, yeah?" he soothed, breathing slowly so I could copy him. We sat in my tub for what seemed like hours until I calmed down and was able to talk properly. "What happened, Bones? Why haven't you been to the station all week?"

"My past found me. He terrifies me, Mal. I need help," I mumbled, snuggling into him more. He sighed, resting his head atop mine and rubbing circles on my back. "Why did you come for me?" I looked up at him confused as to how he became my rescuer.

"I know how you feel; the past it scary. Gil told me everything after the third day you were gone and gave me your extra house key." My cheeks turned red as I thought back on the day I had broken down in Gil's office. "Besides, I love you, if you couldn't tell, and I wanted to make sure you were still alive."

"Oh, I love you too, Mal. You can keep the key if you want," I smiled, feeling the happiest I had felt in a long time.

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