Part 3 Chapter 9b

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tw: heavy mentions of sexual assault, mentions of abuse

please use reader discretion

Ophelia was left alone on the floor, crying.

There had been glass scattered on the floor from when Montgomery suddenly stood up and broke the cup he had been using. Ophelia cleaned it, slowly, while she remembered everything that had taken place that night.

The night that was supposed to be amazing.

It was Liberty's Homecoming night, and she had been so excited to see everyone again. But everything went so sour so quickly. First, Zach got along with none of her new friends. Then Jessica convinced her to storm the field for her HO club, and got mad at her for ditching early.

Then Zach got his leg broken. Ophelia would never forget his scream, and the panic she felt in her heart as she ran to him.

The stupid hospital wouldn't let her see him, so she had walked home and then...Montgomery showed up. Montgomery walked her home. And she allowed him in her house.

And he forced his hands on her. He forced his lips on her.

Ophelia cringed. She threw the glass into the trash and as she picked it up, grabbing it with bare hands. She felt pricks at the edge of her fingertips, but she tried her hardest to ignore them.

The physical pain she felt was numb compared to her emotional turmoil.

She felt her skin throbbing everywhere he had grabbed her. Her mind was playing tricks on her, convincing her it wasn't just bruising, it was him still holding onto her.

What was she going to tell Zach?

That's what bothered her the most out of everything. Zach had been so patient with her in every way. She had been so busy, they hardly spent time together in the last week. How could she explain making this time for Montgomery instead of staying at the hospital?

Ophelia adjusted her leg on the ground, only to hiss in pain. She looked down to notice a small pool of blood on the floor. She nearly forgot she had fallen, and sliced part of her ankle.

She reached over her counter and grabbed a napkin off her table, and placed it over the cut. It didn't look deep, and the pain wasn't too bad. It was like when she nicked herself while shaving her legs in the shower. Blood gushing from such a small wound.

She realized quickly that the napkin would not work. She stood, sniffling, and grabbed the first aid kit off her kitchen counter.

As she bandaged herself, she felt so angry. But only at herself. How had she been so stupid to trust Montgomery again?

Every time she gave him an ounce of trust he...he did stuff like that.

She still felt his lips on her. And the fiery pain as his nails had dug into her head, holding her still so he could use her for his own pleasure.

Ophelia stopped what she was doing, and held her head in her heads, letting out a loud sob.

It was supposed to be such a good night.

Her head snapped up, suddenly, and she heard glass shatter. She looked around her kitchen quickly, nothing had fallen.

She stood up, and winced. Her ankle hurt a little more now.

She looked ahead, and realized her front door stood unlocked, not touched since Montgomery had slammed it shut. She hurried to it, suddenly paranoid.

Loose Change~ Montgomery De La Cruz / Zach Dempsey/Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now