Chapter 2

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"Hey, I think I've figured it out."

Ophelia turned, and was surprised to see Hannah Baker standing behind her.

She blinked. "What?"

"Your mystery guy, I think I figured out who it is."

With an amused smile she said, "Okay, go ahead. Tell me."

"Zach Dempsey."

Ophelia almost choked. She turned her head, making sure Zach, nor Montgomery were there. It would be embarrassing if either of them overheard the conversation. And Montgomery would definitely freak out about it, assuming she was flirting behind his back.

"No" she said, turning back to Hannah, "It is definitely not Zach Dempsey."

"Oh, come on" Hannah said. "You two have so much in common. You both have a little sister, you both are so good at science, you talk so much in class and he's always making you laugh. And, ya know, you're both..."

Ophelia chuckled, "Asian?"

"I didn't mean it like that. I just meant you guys are both in ACC, right?"

"No, I dropped that a while ago."

Hannah frowned. "Why?"

"It took up too much time."

'At least, that's what Montgomery thought.'

Hannah sighed. "Fine. It's not Zach Dempsey. Give me a hint though. Is he like Zach?"

Ophelia chuckled. "Pretty much the opposite of Zach."

"Huh" Hannah says.


"That basically means he's the opposite of you" she pointed out.

Ophelia thought for a moment. "...I guess you're right. Look at that. You're figuring out more stuff about my boyfriend than I have."

Hannah laughed.

"It's good to see you've returned to school" Mr. Porter began. "Are you feeling better?"

"No" she said truthfully.

Mr. Porter nodded, silently. "I can understand that. You and Hannah were close, correct?"

She shrugged. "I don't know. We had a couple classes together."

"And also a few sleepovers, correct?"

Ophelia blinked. "What?"

"Mr. and Mrs. Baker have been in here a lot the past few weeks. They've asked about you."

Ophelia hesitated. "A-Asked about me? Why?"

"They're filing a lawsuit against the school, and they've been trying to piece some things together about what happened, and what could have caused it."

Ophelia felt her blood run cold. If they were investigating this, what would happen if they found the tapes. Would she get charged? No. Bryce did something far worse than she ever did. Right?

Loose Change~ Montgomery De La Cruz / Zach Dempsey/Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now