Part 2 Chapter 6b

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"You're dating Zach?"

Ophelia shrunk back.

Should she not have told him? No, it was the right thing to do. He should know. Especially if he's spent all this time thinking they would end up back together. He needs to know she's moved on.

Ophelia didn't answer him. She didn't want to respond to his yelling, but that only infuriated him more.

Montgomery became louder. "What the fuck are you talking about? Zach fucking Dempsey?"

She noticed the eyes his loud voice had drawn. She shrank even more into her seat. His loudness intimidating her.

"Yes," she whispered, simply.

"That fucking faggott!" he screamed. One of his own best friends. How could he do that to him?

Ophelia's eyes widened at his loud and offensive words.

"Calm down," she whispered. More people looked over, offended and angry at his words choice.

"Calm down?" Montgomery scoffed. "You're out here making it seem like we have a chance to be together? All while you're fucking my friend?!"

Had she really led him on so badly? Without even realizing?

"We haven't even done anything," she said quickly. Although, she doubted that small detail even mattered at a time like this.

"That's supposed to make me feel better?!"

Ophelia put her hand back on top of his. "Stop, you're causing a scene," she whispered, scared of the lingering looks.

Montgomery tore his hand away from her. The iced coffee he bought for her sat in front of her. He slapped it, sending it flying. It created a puddle on the floor, as well as the drips reaching another table.

Gasps erupted through the restaurant.

"Fuck you, Ophelia! You're a fucking tease!"

It didn't seem like he had been in anger management for weeks. It felt like he hadn't gone at all.

"Stop it!" she snapped at him. She cowered into her chair as he stared down from above her.

"How fucking long were we together, huh? Two fucking years! All for you to hop in bed weeks after our breakup?"

Ophelia winced at his words. She sounded so terrible when he said it like that. And it was all true.

An employee had walked up to them. "I'm going to have to ask you two to leave," the woman said, extremely nervously.

When Montgomery turned away from Ophelia to look at the woman, she took it as her chance to scramble to her feet. She clutched her purse close to her.

"W-We'll go," Ophelia told her. "I'm sorry."

"You're sorry to her?" Montgomery scoffed, "But not fucking sorry to me? Are you fucking kidding me, O?"

He shoved the chair he had previously been sitting on to the floor.

This was his first outburst he had since starting the program, but his anger was too intense to remember anything he had learned.

"Were you just planning on fucking leading me on forever?" Montgomery accused. "You use me when you fucking want to but throw me out when you meet a new boy? Treat me like fucking loose change?"

Loose Change~ Montgomery De La Cruz / Zach Dempsey/Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now