Part 3 Chapter 5b

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"Can you explain these text messages, Ophelia?"

Ophelia sat in the cold interrogation seat. Her mother sat in the seat next to her, and her lawyer, one sent by Zach's mother, stood next to her.

The lawyer nodded for her to answer.

Ophelia leaned forward slightly. She was nervous. She was innocent, but nervous. She was shivering because of the cold temperature in the room.

The text messages were printed on a piece of paper and slid over to her. She read them to herself.

12:57 am
BRYCE WALKER: Hey, Ophelia. Can we talk?

BRYCE WALKER: About last year?

BRYCE WALKER: I'm at the pier. The one where the Hillcrest bus drops off. I noticed you didn't come back with the rest of the cheerleaders.

BRYCE WALKER: Please, Ophelia. I just really want to talk.

Ophelia looked away from the messages. She was being honest when she said she never received them. She was shocked seeing what they said.

And it made her feel even sadder that Bryce died. Like he had wanted to tell her something so badly and never got the opportunity. What if it was an apology? Ophelia felt sad thinking about him wanting to apologize, just for her to stand him up.

She shouldn't feel sad. He was an awful person and deserved what he got, right?

No. She didn't think he deserved to die. Not even a rapist like Bryce deserved to die. Especially not by being murdered.


Someone murdered him. Someone in her town.

The thought scared her.

Ophelia shook her head, looking up at the officers. She said honestly, "I never received these text messages."

Standall and the Sheriff were both sitting across from her. Sheriff had his arms crossed. He was watching Ophelia with judgement and inquiry.

Standall had a softer expression, but spoke with insistence. He wanted the truth as much as any other officer did. Most of the police officers knew Ophelia by name because of the trial against Montgomery De La Cruz. It was a quick trial, and he was given parole for abusing her. He was let off easy because he was given the Walker family's attorney, and Standall resented the kid ever since.

But Ophelia had evidence against her. And even though Standall was on Ophelia's side, he needed answers.

"His phone records say you did," the Sheriff told her. He then continued with, "His phone records say he even left you a voicemail."

"Well, he didn't," Ophelia insisted. "I would've remembered."

It was a traumatic night for Ophelia. She remembered every detail of it.

The Sheriff straightened up in his seat. "You got it. We're sure you got it."

"I didn't," she said, desperately. She looked at Standall. "You have to believe me."

Standall sighed deeply. "What can you tell us about the money, Ophelia?"

Ophelia looked at her lawyer. He shook his head, telling her not to answer. She bit her lip, staying quiet.

Loose Change~ Montgomery De La Cruz / Zach Dempsey/Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now