Part 4 Chapter 7a

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tw: heavy mentions of past sexual assault, heavy mentions of past abuse

please read a/n: hey everyone, I wanted to make sure you guys knew that this chapter focuses a lot on Ophelia's past assault. There's lots of mentions of sexual assault.

there is a semi long scene where Justin and Scott talk about knowing that Ophelia was assaulted, and how it affects them. If you or someone you know has been assaulted and the reading starts to affect you, you can stop reading and message me, and I will summarize the chapter. It's a bit shorter so you will not be missing much.

as always, my messages are always open if you want to talk or have any questions or comments you aren't comfortable sharing. If you ever leave a comment and I haven't responded I may not have seen it, and you can feel free to message my inbox and I will get back to you :)


"...Who told you that?"

Scott stared at her, blankly. "Who-Who told me that?" He swallowed, hard. It almost looked like he was choking. "How-How about we start with if it's true or not?"

She could feel her hands shaking. She shoved them in her jacket, suddenly feeling vulnerable and unsafe.

"It..." She couldn't do it. She couldn't say it. She went back to her defensive position. "Who told you that?"

Scott's breathing was sporadic, like he was running out of oxygen. "A-Apparently everyone knows. Everyone. Everyone. Everyone but me."

"Scott, calm down," she pleaded, taking a step towards him.

"Just answer the fucking question, Ophelia!"

Ophelia scrambled back further, flinching at the tone. She pulled her jacket tighter against herself.

"Is it true? I-I can't ask again, okay? It's either true, or-or someone is telling some seriously fucked up fucking lies," he said. "And-And I don't think they are."

"Scott..." she begged. "I can't..." she looked around. "I can't talk about this..."

Scott came closer. "Please, Ophelia! Please just answer the question! I'm fucking begging you! Answer the fucking question! Is it true? Are you the girl? Did he-" No, he couldn't say it again. "Was it you?"

Her shaking was more obvious now. She was out of breath, basically hyperventilating.

This time, no one was here to help her out. Because that had always been Scott.

"It's a fucking yes or no!" he shouted at her. His voice showing all the tearful emotions. He was basically crying. "Just-Just yes or no! And I'll leave you alone!"

"I don't know what you want from me!" Ophelia yelled at him, his own voice just as pitiful.

"Just answer, please! Yes or-"

"Yes!" she screamed at him.

Scott's face fell blank. There was a large build up of tears around his eyes that suddenly fell. He stumbled back.

"The answer's 'yes', okay? Everyone knows, okay? I'm sorry!"

Scott's face, for a moment, was void of all expression. His lips parted, his eyes more red than ever. His face completely tear stained.

He took a silent breath in, before turning around. He walked to a tree, placing his hand on it.


In an instant, he was hunched over, vomiting.

"Oh my god..." Ophelia cried.

Her cold, cold face was suddenly warmed by hot tears, tears she hadn't even realized were there.

Loose Change~ Montgomery De La Cruz / Zach Dempsey/Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now