Chapter 8

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So I put this story on hold until Season 2 came out so that I could make sure the stuff I said was accurate, but I am disgusted from what I learned. I will be continuing this story, but a few things will be different then how I planned. Not just because of Montgomery, but because of Zach/Hannah. Montgomery's actions in episode 13 were unforgivable and if Ophelia knew about them (or if she learns about them if this story continues to Season 2) then there is no way she would get back together with him. But seeing as that hasn't happened yet I will be writing this story with Season 1 Montgomery in mind.

There may be a few spoilers for Season 2 from this point of the story on. Especially when it comes to flashbacks from before Hannah died.

TW: Mentions of sexual assault

"You were really fucking drunk" Zach told her, "you were, like, wasted."

It was ironic for him to be saying that, seeing as he was laying drunk on her couch at that very moment. Montgomery had only just left, and she could still hear his tires screeching. He hadn't had any right to come over. Then again, neither did Zach. But she let him stay.

"So what? Everyone was drunk at Jessica's party" she said.

She was nervous. Actually-she was scared. Scared of what direction this was going in. Scared of what 'secret' Zach was about to tell her.

"You and Montgomery were sitting with Bryce-"

She flinched at the name.

"-and Justin, Marcus, and I were across from you."

She nodded, "Yeah."


He stopped.

"Well what, Zach? What the fuck happened that I don't remember."

She was scared he was going to tell her the same thing Jessica heard. She was terrified as soon as Bryce's name was mentioned.

"It's...I don't know, it's nothing really..."

No. He couldn't stop there. Not after saying that much. Ophelia's muscles began aching.

"Zach..." she breathed, "what happened?"

He kind of sighed. His reluctance infruriated her.

"Look, Monty what to go grab another drink, and you kind of...I don't know, you fell onto Bryce's lap."

A shutter went through her body. "What did he do, Zach?"

She still waited for him to say it. To say that horrid word.


He didn't say it, but she had expected him to. She was terrified he would.

'You were raped, Ophelia.'

'Bryce raped you.'

"Zach, what the fuck did he do?" Ophelia screamed. She no longer cared about her sister waking up.

"Nothing!" Zach yelled back, "He wanted you to give him a blow job. But nothing happened. Monty showed up and nearly beat the shit out of him."

"He...He wanted me to what?"

"Nothing actually happened, Ophelia" he told her, "I just wanted you to remember that...Monty isn't the worst guy out there."

Zach recalled the words he said to Ophelia the other night.

Loose Change~ Montgomery De La Cruz / Zach Dempsey/Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now