Part 4 Chapter 2b

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tw: mentions of past sexual assault (I will now be putting mentions of 'new' or 'past' sexual assault for the tw so it's easier for you guys to decide if you can read on or not, 'past' will be instances already mentioned in the story)

a/n: okay but why do I want to connect this story to every song on Olivia Rodrigo's new album??

"Zach, it's so good to see you."

Zach sighed, shaking Kerba's hand. "It's good to see you too, Coach."

"First day back at school. I'm glad you've taken the time to come see me." Coach Kerba ushered Zach further into his office. "Have a seat, get off you leg."

It had not been Zach's intention to see the coach that day. In fact, Kerba all but forced him into meeting him in his office after school.

Zach sat. "Thank you. My leg is doing better, by the way."

"Nothing I like to hear more," Kerba said, with a smile. He nodded. "I've missed you here, the whole team has."

Zach doubted that. After walking out of Montgomery's funeral, there had been tension between Zach and the boys.

But Zach just forced a smile and said, "Yeah. I miss them too."

There was a calendar on Kerba's desk. He picked up a pen, tapping on a few circled red dates. They were all Fridays.

"I'm sure you know our season was extended for a few weeks."

Yes, Zach knew. It was because two high schoolers had died. Both murdered. No mother wanted their son out playing a high school football game late at night when a student had been murdered right after one.

"We've got four more games," Kerba told him. "Two in January. Two in February."

Four more games that Zach wouldn't be able to play.

"We're still practicing everyday after school," Kerba finished. "I'd love to start seeing you out there again."

Leaning back lazily in his seat, Zach almost laughed. "Yeah, I wish. I can't be out there."

Kerba quickly specified, "Out there helping me run practice. You know, what a captain should be doing."

Zach shook his head back and forth. "A captain is someone who teaches by showing. I can't show them how to do shit but lose all their scholarships."

"Watch your language," Kerba told him. He sat up in his chair. "Zach, you've got a gift for writing plays, okay? We need your help if we're gonna win these next few games."

"Aren't I just co captain?" Zach pointed out. "Isn't Justin captain too now?"

Nodding his head, Kerba told him, "Justin is a good captain. But he's good at following orders, not at giving them. We still need you." Kerba scoffed closed to Zach. "Now, look, I've hired an assistant coach. He's gonna be here helping out too. But that doesn't change the fact we chose you as captain for a reason. The team chose you too."

"Actually," Zach began, "The team voted for Montgomery."

Kerba stilled at the sound of the name of his former player. He took a silent breath. The man tried to overlook the grief that tried overtaking him.

The truth was, out of any of the staff, Kerba had been trying the hardest to help Montgomery. To learn what he did was heartbreaking enough. To learn of his death was devastating.

Montgomery was amazing on the field. That was one of the reasons they needed help. None of the players were as perceptive as he was.

"But you were chosen," Kerba said, trying to force Montgomery's name out of his head. "I need you still."

Loose Change~ Montgomery De La Cruz / Zach Dempsey/Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now