Part 2 Chapter 7

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TW: Mentions of parental abuse, sexual content

"If I see your piece of shit car in my parking spot one more fucking time imma take it to be fucking impounded!" Montgomery's father yelled at him as Montgomery got back inside from parking his car.

"I won't," Montgomery mumbled. He had barely gotten home from school. He was always surprised how quickly he made his father hate him. Not a day went by without it happening.

"You don't even appreciate the shit I get you," his dad snapped at him. "I buy you a fucking car and you fill it with goddamn dents."

Montgomery stayed silent. He father didn't buy him the car. Montgomery bought it himself. His father just acted like it was his own money because Montgomery earned it while working at his company.

Estella was on the couch, watching tv. He didn't look at her as he trudged to his room.

"Hey," she called out to him. She was used to tuning out her father's yelling, so his angry mood hadn't affected her.

Montgomery stopped at his door, looking over.

Estella perked up. "I talked to Ophelia today."

Montgomery blinked. "You-You fucking what?"

Estella turned and put her arms over the other side of the couch to talk to him.

"We talked about the trial. I figured she was nervous about it, so I told her you were nervous too and-"

"You told her I was nervous?" Montgomery asked. A lump formed in the bottom of the stomach thinking about what Estella and Ophelia could have also conversed about. Why were they even talking in the first place?

She said, "Yeah, you are-"

"Don't fucking tell her that!" Montgomery snapped at her. Estella winced, surprised at his anger. She sulked further into the couch. "Don't fucking talk to her! She's not your fucking friend!"

His father, who was in the kitchen, came storming up him. Montgomery braced himself, knowing immediately what he did wrong. Estella's face became fearful, knowing just as well as Montgomery how much he fucked up.

His father approached Montgomery and backhanded him.

"Don't you talk to your fucking sister like that," he snapped.

Montgomery held his hand up to cover his face, now cowering by his door as he felt the stinging of the hit.

"Fucking apologize," his father demanded.

Montgomery lowered his arm slightly, so that he could look at his sister. Estella was holding a hand over her mouth, stifling her own gasp.

"Sorry," he said, simply, without emotion.

His father slammed his head against his bedroom door. "Fucking do it right."

Montgomery was shaking now.

"I'm sorry, Estella."

Estella gulped. "It's okay."

Montgomery's father pushed him, hard, sending his shoulder into the wall painfully. "Get in your fucking room."

Montgomery opened his door and hurried in, slamming it behind him. He clenched his fists, seething quietly, "Fucking piece of shit."

He wanted to hit his father back. Punch him, kick him. But Montgomery wouldn't survive a real fight against his father, not if he was sober. He had tried many times.

Montgomery still had his backpack on. He grabbed it, and slammed it onto his bed with so much force if bounced completely off.

Montgomery laid in his bed, for hours, doing nothing. He just stared up at his ceiling, feeling anger surging through him. Anger and worry, and hate. He fucking hated his dad. He hated his whole life.

Loose Change~ Montgomery De La Cruz / Zach Dempsey/Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now