Part 5 Chapter 2

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Day 17

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Day 17

Scott browsed through the aisle of the gas station. He looked over all the snacks, trying to decide which ones Ophelia might like most. She was at the hospital, and he wanted to bring her something to eat, knowing she hadn't left to get food for herself.

He stood in the middle of the aisle when he heard the chime of the door open. Then, looking up, he spotted Winston Williams walk in. The boy didn't notice him at first, he was just grabbing a drink for school. But when he did finally see Scott, he made his way over to him, slowly.

Scott looked away, ready to pretend he didn't see him.

"Hey, Scott," Winston greeted.

Scott cleared his throat, and turned back to him. "Hey, what's up?"

"Just heading to school," Winston said. He stood there awkwardly. "I heard about your friend, Justin."

Yeah. Lots of people had.

"Hope he gets better," Winston told him.

Scott felt uncomfortable. He hadn't spoken to Winston in ages, since he was trying to figure out whether or not Montgomery was framed. Turns out, he was. But what the fuck was Scott supposed to do about that now? Did that even matter now, with the way things were going with Justin?

"Yeah, me too," Scott decided to say.

Winston hesitated. "I just wanted to let you know I'm backing off Clay and them. I'm backing off everyone."

Scott was surprised. "Really?"

Winston admitted, "I know Monty didn't kill Bryce. I have a feeling you know that too."

Scott stayed silent, not wanting to accidentally snitch on anyone.

"I know you knew the better side of Monty," Winston said. "So did Ophelia. You'd want justice more than anyone. But if you two decided to leave things as they will I."

Scott just nodded. "Yeah...okay, man."

"Alright." Winston took a few steps away, before turning back. "He liked you guys, you know?"

Scott winced, thinking back to his says with Montgomery. Before reality broke into his world. "We were friends."

"No, like, together," Winston specified. "You and O."

Scott's face formed an expression of confusion. "What?"

"He showed me this picture one time, of you three. I think he said it was from your grad party?" Winston couldn't be sure. "He said he wished you got Ophelia instead of Zach."

Loose Change~ Montgomery De La Cruz / Zach Dempsey/Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now