Part 5 Chapter 4

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tw: parental abuse, mentions of death

a/n: this chapter showcases an argument started by Ophelia for seemingly 'meaningless' reason just to show how paranoia effects people sometimes. So sorry if she seems annoying she will grow and learn better I promise 😭

School seemed so pointless.

Everything seemed so pointless.

Ophelia was called into the office during first period on the Monday after Justin's funeral to be told she'd be receiving the title of Valedictorian.

It didn't really mean anything anymore. It didn't cause much emotion. None except an overwhelming anxiety over that fact that she'd have to write a speech for graduation, something she wasn't looking forward to. She hadn't felt so much social anxiety since the tapes were first published. She didn't tell anyone that she made Valedictorian. Not even Scott.

Maybe she'd go over her speech with him, she wasn't sure.

It was so strange how this title used to mean so much to her, and now it didn't mean anything at all.

She hadn't stepped foot in Scott's apartment wince Justin's death. She felt guilty. Because Scott had to pack up Justin's stuff alone.

But she couldn't find the energy to do anything. At all.

Ophelia didn't want valedictorian anymore. She didn't even want to graduate. She didn't want to leave Liberty, and go to a school full of people who never had, and never would know that Justin Foley existed.

But Justin Foley didn't exist anymore.

Her world changed. Why should these stupid things matter to her?


Zach had been right about Ophelia. He'd been one of her best friends from childhood, so of course he knew her better than most people. Zach knew that there was nothing that would snap her out of a depressive mood like the thought that someone else needed help.

Ophelia had been laid in her bed, nothing besides Justin on her mind, when her phone rang. She ignored the first call. Hopelessness ran through her, and she didn't see the point in doing anything lately, much less answering the phone. But then it rang again. Scott was the only one called her again and again until she picked up, so she figured it was him. She kept her eyes on the ceiling as she grabbed the phone, bringing it to her ear. "Hello?"

"Ophelia, I need help."

She bolted up. She recognized the voice immediately. The tone it was spoken in terrified her. "Estella?"

Estella's voice was low, like she was barely able to whisper. It was shaky, and emotional. She heard the tears in her throat. "I-I-I need you. I'm sorry to-to bother you, but I really-really need you."

Panic hit Ophelia, hard. She scrambled to her feet. "What happened? Do you need a ride? Money? Food?" She realized she recognized the tone of voice. Estella was trying not to break down. Like whenever Ophelia talked to anyone after a fight with Montgomery.

"I n-need a ride put of here," Estella gasped. It almost sounded like a sob. "Please."

Ophelia was breathing so fast, she felt dizzy. "Are you at home?"

"I'm in my side yard. Please-text me when you get here. I'll run out."

The blood drained from Ophelia's face. "I'll be right there," she scrambled out.

"Please hurry." It was a beg.

"I'm hurrying!" Ophelia grabbed a jacket, wrapping it around herself. "Stay on the phone!" She pulled on slippers, Estella was crying in her ear. Ophelia held the phone between her face and her shoulder. She picked up JT, who always starting crying from the abrupt wake up.

Loose Change~ Montgomery De La Cruz / Zach Dempsey/Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now