Chapter 12

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"Are you fucking kidding me?" Montgomery scoffed, "They're pushing the first practice back another week?"

Montgomery shook his head, muttering a few more curse words as they walked off the baseball field, towards the school.

"Relax, it's just because we're getting a new field. It's a good thing." Bryce told him.

The baseball team was called into school and hour early that day. A team meeting took place on the baseball field. Their coach announced that the first practice of the season would take place a week later than scheduled. But he made sure the team knew to keep practicing as though it didn't.

Montgomery brought Ophelia with him that morning, and she volunteered to wait on the bleechers on the football field while he met with his team.

Reaching the football field, Montgomery caught a glimpse of her.

"We have the rest of football season for them to work on that shit. Why are they waiting?" he pressed.

"Be patient, man" Bryce told him, in a father-like tone, "And my father's the one in charge of this project. So watch your words."

Montgomery smiled. "Whatever."

As the team neared the bleechers closer, Montgomery noticed a figure sitting besides Ophelia. It was a feminine figure, one he didn't recognize.

He tapped Bryce on the shoulder. "Hey, who's the chick with Ophelia?"

Bryce looked, squinting his eyes to get a better view. "Looks like Andy's girlfriend."

Bryce turned his head to speak to one of the players behind him, "Andy, that your girl over there?"

The player responded with a large grin, "It sure is." Andy then cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled, "Marisaaaaa!"

The girl speaking to Ophelia whipped around, and set her sights on her boyfriend. She grinned, tossing some of her blonde hair behind her shoulder. She waved at him,

The boy shouted, "Come here!"

The girl easily got up and began her way down the bleechers to her boyfriend. Ophelia made eye contact with Montgomery, who used his hand to motion her over.

Reaching her boyfriend, Marisa gave him a kiss on the lips. The baseball players around them 'ooohed' in response.

When Ophelia reached Montgomery, he seemed to have more pressing matters then a kiss.

"What were you guys talking about?"

Ophelia brushed it off. "Just girl stuff."

Marisa laughed, leaning into her boyfriend and saying, "I️ was telling Ophelia how she should try out for cheerleading. A few of our girls quit already, so we need some extra pep."

Ophelia giggled. "No ones ever told me that I️ could be a cheerleader before. I️ don't even know if I️ have any pep."

Marisa said enthusiastically, "You won't know unless you try!"

Montgomery wrapped an arm around Ophelia, looking her up and down. She was wearing a dress that day. The sun shined on her legs, reflecting off the lotion she put on in the car that morning. He hadn't really noticed what she was wearing earlier.

But as the wind picked up, and her skirt flew higher and higher up her legs, her outfit became something he fixated on. A gust of wind blew the bottom of her dress up to her mid-thigh, and he could see the beginning of the slim dip in her thighs.

Montgomery glanced at his teammates surrounding him. Most of them had stopped walking when Marisa joined the group, only a few remained on their path to the school. Ophelia was the center of attention currently because of the conversation she was in, so most eyes were on her.

Loose Change~ Montgomery De La Cruz / Zach Dempsey/Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now