Author's Note

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First things first I would like the thank the AMAZING @myfavboyzr1d for creating the amazing new Loose Change cover. Honestly, I am just so in love with it. 

Secondly, I would like to deeply apologize to my readers for the lack of updates this summer. My summer job has been really stressful for me and I'm always so exhausted when I come home :( 

I also began rewatching season two, and briefly considered deleting this story after watching Tyler's episode again. But due to where I plan to take this story, I feel like it would be okay for me to continue.

But that is absolutely no excuse for all the long waits I've been putting everyone through. Starting this month I will try my best to upload either once a week or once every other week. 

But to make up for it I will try to answer all comments or questions you ask,

And please correct me if I mess up any timelines, if my writing becomes too clique, or if it just begins getting boring. 

I will be finishing this story before the year ends! And will be making  sequel if you want it! 

Sorry again! Feel free to yell at me for making you wait so long! 

And thanks again @myfavboyzr1d !!! You should all go check out her work!

Loose Change~ Montgomery De La Cruz / Zach Dempsey/Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now