Part 4 Chapter 6c

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a/n: i feel like i had to make this edit because the song fits all three of her relationships so well ❤️ (yes the first 5 seconds is a black screen lol)

tw: non graphic sexual content, mentions of past sexual assault, mentions of past abuse, zach

Every inch of his face was already memorized. If Ophelia was suddenly swept away, and give a pen and paper, she could draw Scott from memory.

She could draw almost every single part of him.

The wind began blowing harder through the window. Ophelia felt a chill. Scott, next to her, fell asleep. She had too, for a few minutes. And when she awoke, her head was on his bare chest. His whole body was bare, as was hers. Even as they lay still, she felt the warmth of his skin on her breasts. It made the cold breeze feel like a simple blow of air.

She knew they should head in soon, and she should wake him before he begins sleeping too deeply. But he seemed so exhausted when they finished.

Ophelia was exhausted, and if she was being honest, she hadn't really done anything. Scott was the one on top, moving.

And she loved the way he moved so much.

There was a satisfaction that came with what they did. Not just the obvious sexual satisfaction that Scott brought her, but the emotional one. She was able to control her body, for what seemed like the first time in months. And when Scott got on top of her, she controlled her mind, keeping it on sweet thought of him rather than anything else.

She sat up, slowly, carefully not to push on him at all. The first thing she did was grab her long flannel, putting it over herself. As she did so, she glanced at her stomach. It didn't stick out under the flannel, but it did when she was naked. She tried not to think of how embarrassing it was for him to see her like that for the first time. He had looked so perfect.

It made sense, he conditioned with the football team almost everyday.

She put on the flannel, buttoning it down. Her bra, underwear, and leggings were little farther away. She paid no mind to them. She laid back down. Her legs looked nice. She wanted Scott to be able to see them when she woke up.

She laid back down, careful as she laid back on his chest. The touch still seemed to wake him. He opened his eyes, slowly, and then he smiled when he saw her.

"Shit, sorry," he laughed. "I didn't even realize I fell asleep."

She bit her lip. "It's okay. I did too for a second."

His eyes drifted down her body, onto the flannel. He reached out a hand, touching it. He smiled mischievously at her. "Whatcha got this on for?"

Her smile stayed on her face. "I don't know, it got cold."

"I'm not cold," he told her.

She touched his forehead, wiping of a bead of sweat. "I know. You're sweating. Are you sick?"

"No," he breathed. "Just had a little too much fun."

He reached up to touch her face too, but paused. His eyes suddenly widening with worry. "Shit. Shit, are you..." He seemed panicked. "Are you on birth control?"

Ophelia almost laughed in his face. "Yeah. Kind of."

"Fuck," he whispered. "Oh, fuck. I didn't even-"

"Hey," she said, before he could freak out. "It's fine. Trust me. I...was already prepared." In a way.

He visibly relaxed.

"Shit, normally I am too," he told her. "I didn't think of bringing anything here. I mean, I had brought something to your house-"

"My house?" she asked. "Like, on my birthday?"

Loose Change~ Montgomery De La Cruz / Zach Dempsey/Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now