Part 3 Chapter 9a

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It was the beginning of sophomore year. Ophelia and Montgomery's relationship had picked up quickly.

They were more sexually active than ever as they became more and more comfortable with each other.

Montgomery had already told her he loved her. That's what she had cared about most out of anything. And at first, sex just seemed like this thing that couples did together that made them both feel good.

But the longer she dated Montgomery, the more she felt like sex was a way to physically feel that love.

Maybe Ophelia felt that way because she heard all these sex horror stories of men finishing, and women not. It was as thought they didn't care about the women, just the sex. Montgomery always made sure she had a good time.

And maybe it was the way Montgomery held her after they had sex, so gently.

Whatever it was, she knew he drove her crazy, and she knew she liked having sex with him. So once she finally got used to it, and comfortable enough to know he found her body beautiful, they did it almost every single day.

Until the day that Ophelia called Montgomery before school, and asked him to pick her up, and asked to skip school with him.

This was odd to Montgomery, because Ophelia never skipped school. In fact, she was the reason he never skipped a whole day anymore.

But he was happy about it. Maybe he rubbed off on her, and they would start having more fun away from school.

But when he picked her up, and they left her neighborhood, she started crying.

Montgomery was still not one that knew how to comfort a crying girl. But he tried his best, for her.

"Is your mom being a bitch again?"

He cringed. Shit, that didn't come out right.

"I-I mean, what's wrong? Did something happen?"

Ophelia had barely been crying, but Montgomery was so freaked out she might as well have been bawling. He pulled over into a parking lot.

"Nothing happened," Ophelia mumbled, sadly. "Nothings been happening. That's the problem."

Montgomery was often confused by women, now more than ever.

All he knew was his girlfriend was crying, and he wanted to make her feel better. But how could he do that when he didn't even know what was wrong?

"Um...what?" He felt stupid for asking 'what', but he didn't know what else to do.

Ophelia looked completely, and utterly defeated as she looked at him.

She had been dreading this conversation for days, ever since she realized something was wrong. She was terrified of the conversation. But as she looked at him, she realized there was no fear when it came to telling him. She trusted him with her words completely.

"I'm late for my period."

Montgomery's mouth dropped open, and his whole face seemed to freeze in a shocked expression.

Ophelia cringed. "I'm so sorry, Monty."

He looked away, and tried to force his face into a more neutral expression. But he couldn't.

This had never happened to him before. He had never been with a girl long enough for her to even noticed if she missed a period. And if she did, the girls that came before Ophelia were never with just him, so there was no way of telling who would be the father if they were to get pregnant.

Loose Change~ Montgomery De La Cruz / Zach Dempsey/Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now