Part 4 Chapter 10b

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a/n: idk why it's taken me so long editing these chapters (which end up having a million mistakes anyways) but the next one should be out this week too. This chapter was originally 15k words but I split it so that I could get this one out tonighttt I hate making you guys wait 😭

tw: mentions of sexual assault

It felt like everything had moved so fast. Like Ophelia was stuck in this loop of depression and isolation for so long, once she got out of it she started moving a hundred miles an hour.

How was it that for months she had been stuck in this routine of keeping herself away from Scott, and denying any real feeling for him, only to suddenly tell him that she loved him?

Maybe it was because she was drinking at the party the day before. Or maybe it was because she was just really, really happy. And she realized it was because she was with him. Whatever it was, she was glad for it.

Ophelia no longer felt like time moved dreadfully slowly, because now she knew it didn't have to.

She told Scott she loved him, and that she wanted to be his girlfriend, all in the same day. She'd never felt so alive.

The morning after the party, she found herself wondering if Scott felt just as excited as her.

"So...When did you decide you wanted me to be your girlfriend?" she asked him, out of nowhere.

Scott laid on Ophelia's bed. She was propped up on her arm, looking down at him.

The two of them only woke up moments ago. And while he hadn't meant to fall asleep at her house after coming home from the store, he was beyond pleased to be able to wake up next to her.

"Like, a year ago."

She laughed. "No, but really."


She smiled widely, and then laid back down on her back.

"Well, why'd you decide to ask me to be your girlfriend the other night?"

Scott shrugged. Now, he was the one to look over at her. "I don't know, figured you might finally like me back."

"And what gave you that delusional?" she teased him.

He scoffed, and laughed. "Funny."

Ophelia turned to her side, facing him. There was so much happiness in her heart that she felt a sudden ache. She could have been this happy before. Both of them could've. It was her fault it took so long. "I'm...sorry that I've been so...hard to deal with."

"You're not-"

She cut him off. Because she was right, but he was trying to make her feel better. Like he always did. "I've made things harder then they had to be. The truth is, Scott..." She smiled a bit. "I've wanted to be with you for a long time." It was weird admitting this. It was weird thinking that she was his girlfriend.


She was suddenly his girlfriend. She could say 'I love you' and it wouldn't be weird. After all that time of hating herself for crushing on him, she was now his, and he was hers. And not in a possessive way just in...their way.

Loose Change~ Montgomery De La Cruz / Zach Dempsey/Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now