Part 4 Chapter 1b

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tw: mentions of sexual assault, mentions of death

You're late," Scott commented. He smiled as Ophelia got out of her car, coming over to him. "It's 8:07. I could've slept longer if I'd knew you'd take this long."

Ophelia sent him a sharp look. "The clock in my car says it's 7:58. Yours must be off."

"My iPhone is off? This thing is connected to satellites. It's most accurate time in the world."

Ophelia huffed. "Well...maybe the satellites are messed up."

There was nothing Ophelia hated more than being late. She was always early to school, or anywhere else she went. But that morning, she had taken extra time getting ready without even realizing it.

So yes, she was late, but she didn't want to admit it. Scott smiled. That was fine with him, he wouldn't make her.

"You're right," he said, with a grin. "Mine's off."

Ophelia tried keeping distance between them, staying behind him as he walked. But he kept stopping abruptly, making her walk right next to him.

"What would you like for your Christmas Day breakfast?" he asked her.

She took note of his tone. It was suspiciously excited. "I'll just get what you usually get for your family."

"And do you want to have some here?" Scott asked her. "There's plenty of open tables."

Ophelia bit her lip. She felt the need to clarify, "Scott, remember what I said earlier?"

He rolled his eyes. "Yes."

"This isn't a breakfast date," she continued. "We're just both getting breakfast for our families at the same time."

Scott happened to be a family friend of the manager of the best breakfast diner in town, Marcello's. Normally, it was open from 8am-2pm, but it was only open for two hours Christmas morning. 8am-10am. Scott had shared this information with Ophelia, knowing she wouldn't be able to ignore it. She mentioned the restaurant a few times in the past, he knew she liked it. He also knew she wouldn't turn down a way to get it during the most exclusive time of the year. Christmas Day was the only day they served red pancakes. The red pancakes were made with cherry. It was Ophelia and Honor's favorite.

He shrugged, smiling to himself. "We could still eat some here."

He had no idea how badly she wanted to. But Ophelia knew if she sat down with Scott now, she'd be so fixated by him that she would never want to leave. And he wouldn't make her. She had too much to do that morning to be tricked by his smile.

"I have to clean the whole house," she told him. "My mom wakes up at ten. I'll have to have breakfast set up and the everything cleaned by then."

Scott frowned. Why was she in charge while her mom slept?

They both ordered the family breakfast meals to go before going to sit on the sofa in the entrance, waiting for their name to be called.

"I could help you with cleaning," Scott offered. He didn't think it was fair Ophelia had to burden herself with all that on Christmas Day.

"It's okay," she told him. "I'm fine with it. Cleaning is the only reason my mom let me go see Justin last night."

Ophelia should have been able to go see him anyway. Scott didn't want to think rudely of her mother, but she shouldn't have to do extra chores to see a friend who made it through rehab.

If one day, Ophelia didn't live with her mother, and lived with someone like him, she wouldn't be expected to do all the household work herself.

"Its really nice of you to be getting up this early for your family," he complimented her. "Your parents will be happy."

Loose Change~ Montgomery De La Cruz / Zach Dempsey/Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now