Chapter 4

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Ophelia felt a harsh slap on her backside. She gasped, letting out a scream. She turned, shocked, only to find her boyfriend standing behind her with a smug smile.

"Hey, babe. You ready to go home?"

Montgomery brought his car keys into her eyeline.

"What the hell? That hurt!"

Montgomery stepped closer to her, grinning widely. "I'm sorry, do you want me to kiss it better?"

Ophelia tried to ignore the feeling that smile gave her. Or the way his baseball jacket clung to his muscles. The jacket was unzipped, showing off his white t-shirt that was drenched in sweat from the PE class he just came from, which pressed against his body even more.

She stepped away from him. Instead saying, "Ew. You're sweaty and gross."

A smirk appeared on his face. "Wanna help me wash off?"

She laughed at him. "As if, Monty. You smell so bad you're lucky if I get in the same car as you."

"You won't be laughing when you smell just as bad."

Before she could ask him what he meant by that, he embraced her in a tight hug. Ophelia screamed. The sweat on his skin pressed against her.

"Ew! Ew, stop!" she screamed. Although, her words were lost in her own laughter.

"How about a kiss now?" he laughed.

"Monty!" She wasn't even able to say anything, laughter had taken over her entire body.

His lips found her neck. Her body shivered as he kissed her on her sensitive skin.

She looked up. And that's when she saw Hannah.

Hannah was walking their way, but hadn't seen them yet.

Ophelia elbowed Montgomery. "Let me go!"

He took his hands away quickly, confused. "Wha-"

Ophelia ducked down as fast as she could. She was completely hidden behind a car.

"The fuck-"

Ophelia grabbed Montgomery's jacket, tugging on it.

"Come down!" she told him.

Confused, he ducked behind the car.

"What the fuck, Ophelia?"

"Tell me when Hannah's gone" she instructed.

Montgomery snuck a glance through the windows of the car. "Hannah Baker?"

Ophelia only nodded.

"Why are you hiding from her?" His expression turned hard. "Did she do something to you? I'll fuck her up. You know I will."

"No, no, no" she cut him off quickly, "I don't want her to find out you're my boyfriend yet."

This seemed to upset him even more. "Are you embarrassed by me now?"

Loose Change~ Montgomery De La Cruz / Zach Dempsey/Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now