Chapter 15

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"Thanks for having me over" Hannah told her, "Your house is so pretty."

"Thank you" Ophelia said, "and really it's no problem. It's actually...exciting having a sleepover. I haven't had one since middle school."

Hannah set her backpack down on Ophelia's bed. "Wow. Your room looks so sophisticated."

Ophelia laughed, "Sophisticated?"

"Yeah, like adult. No posters. No funny blankets. Just the basics."

"Well" said Ophelia, "sorry if I'm too basic for you."

In truth, Ophelia did have a few photos on the wall. Of Montgomery. But she took them down before she got there.

"Did I say basic? I meant classy."

They both laughed.

"And is this your dress for the dance tomorrow night?"

Hannah picked up the dress that was covered with a plastic bag, folded over Ophelia's desk chair.

"Yeah!" she said. "I was meaning to ask you about it. It's sleeveless. Do you think that's too much?"

"Too much what?"

"Too much skin to be showing?"

Hannah rolled her eyes, "Sleeveless is fine. Why? Did your boyfriend tell you it was?"

He did. But Ophelia wasn't going to tell her that. She liked Hannah. And she wanted to continue their friendship for a long time. She didn't want Hannah to think badly of Montgomery before even meeting him, that would just cause unnecessary drama.

"No" she lied. "I was just wondering."

"And you promise I get to meet your knight in shining armor tomorrow?" Hannah asked.

"Of course! At long last you will finally meet my hidden boyfriend" Ophelia joked.

"Well" Hannah began, "Just so you I am expecting a very high quality man for my high quality best friend."

Ophelia paused. "Best friend?"

Hannah's smile fell. "No! I...I just meant. It's just that I haven't really been talking to anyone else. You're like my only friend. Not like you're the only friend I could get! And not like you're easy! I just-"

"Hannah" Ophelia cut her off, "It's okay. You're my best friend too."

Hannah smiled. "I hope he's as kind as you."

Ophelia turned away and frowned. He wasn't.


Hey, O. It's finally your turn.

The sound of Hannah Baker's voice chilled Ophelia to the bone. She thought she was ready, but as soon as she hit play, and heard those words, her headphones were thrown off and she gasped. She breathed in deeply, trying her best to catch her breath.

"I can't.." she muttered. "I can't."

Tony had given her the tape last night, along with a spare tape player he had. She had only just worked up the courage to try it out in the morning. She figured it would be better to listen to it now, so that she didn't have to stay up worrying about it. But now she regretted it. She knew she couldn't focus in school anymore.

Montgomery was bound to be there any minute. He has ensured he would still drive and pick her up from school. He just couldn't enter the parking lot.

Loose Change~ Montgomery De La Cruz / Zach Dempsey/Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now