Part 4 Chapter 3b

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tw: sexual content, Bryce being a creep in a flashback, creepy college guys

"I don't want to go inside," Ophelia whined. "It's too cold."

There was a large party at Bryce's that night. It began at six, and was still going strong by midnight. However, most people had moved into the pool house at this time. They were drinking, and playing video games. By twelve thirty, Montgomery and Ophelia were the only people still outside. And that was because Ophelia was insistent that they stayed in the hot tub.

"Babe, you're gonna have to fucking get out eventually," Montgomery told her. "Come on, everyone's fucking inside already."

Ophelia had been leaning against Montgomery, but she lowered herself into the tub so only her head was poking out of the warm water.

"You can go," she said. She smiled widely. "I'll stay in here."

Montgomery felt his heart melting at her smile. He couldn't help but return it. "Come on, we'll run fast."

She shook her head. "No."

"Ophelia..." He laughed. "Let's go play beer pong. You like that game."

"I don't like that game," she told him. Her body still completely submerged. "I'm just good at it."

He reached under the water and grabbed her leg, pulling her closer. She giggled.

"Well, I can't leave you in here." When she was close enough, he grabbed the back of her legs. She let out a laugh as he pulled her to him.

The hot tub had a circular bench all the way around, which he sat on. He pulled her suddenly, putting her legs on either side of him, and lifting half her body out of the water as he did so.

"Oh my god!" she shouted as the cold air hit her wet upper body. "See! It's cold!"

Montgomery absolutely could see how cold she was. Her nipples hard and piercing through her light pink bikini top in seconds. Head momentarily filled with lust, he reached forward and kissed her deeply. He felt her smile. She wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him back.

Then she pushed herself off him, and went back into the water.

"It's too cold to make out," she whispered.

He stared her down. "What about have sex?"

Her eyes widened. "Monty! This is your friend's hot tub!"

He grabbed for her again, bringing her closer. This time when he pulled her onto his lap, he grabbed her ass with both hands. "And?"

"And that's gross!" she whispered. She turned around and her eyes found the pool house. The curtains were closed, but it was still so close. "Your friends are right there."

Montgomery brought her face back to him. "The windows are closed. They're not coming out."

"They could hear us," she tried. She gasped as he pulled her closer and started kissing her neck. She felt his erection through his swim shorts. Her cheeks flushed with red. "Monty, we can't..."

But she could feel herself caving. Especially as he lifted a hand up to cup her breast.


Both hands went back to her ass, and he grinded her softly against him.

She pulled away again. "We can't. Not here."

Loose Change~ Montgomery De La Cruz / Zach Dempsey/Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now