Chapter 23

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"Ooh, Ophelia! Mom's gonna get you!"

Ophelia sniffed, pulling her head out from beneath the covers, looking at her sister with dead eyes.

"What are you talking about, Honor?"

Honor was dressed in her school uniform already. She was giggling.

"She already told you to get up five times! Now you're late! You're gonna be grounded!" Honor teased.

Ophelia ran a hand over her face, to make sure her tears had dried. She sat up.

"Get out of here," she told her.

Honor laughed and yelled, "Mama!"

Honor often used the word 'Mama'. Ophelia didn't.

Ophelia laid back down and pulled the covers over her head.

She heard her mother's heels clicking as she came in her room.

"What are you doing still in bed, you lazy child?" her mother demanded, "You get up this instant!"

Ophelia pulled the covers over her head even more. "I'm sick."

The covers were ripped off of her. Her mother grabbed her faced, looking her over. She recognized the facial expression immediately.

"You're not sick," her mother snapped, pulling away from her, "You're heart broke. Over that boy again? I know you two were back together. Change your mind again?"


"Why don't you just make your decision already? Poor boy. Stop stringing him along."

Ophelia was not surprised by her mother taking Montgomery's side. She did the last time. She didn't particularly like him, but she liked his strictness.

"Mother, I can't-" her voice cracked, "-I cant go to school today."

Her mother scoffed. "I'm not giving you another month off from school. Your grades have barely recovered."

Ophelia couldn't bare the thought of seeing Montgomery. Or Zach. Or Justin. Or Jessica. Or Bryce. Or fucking anybody.

"Mother, please-"

"Get dressed. Immediately." Her mother didn't have to shout. She had enough venom in her voice to show Ophelia how serious she was being. "I will not have my daughter being some...lovesick teenager who cares more about boys than school work. Hopefully that boy is tired of your games and will leave you be so you can finally focus."

Her mother walked out, shutting the door behind her. Ophelia obeyed. She got dressed, brushed her hair, and put on enough makeup to cover her dark circles and red eyes. All while ignoring the sharp pains in her stomach.

She walked downstairs to see her mother giving Honor breakfast. Eggs and pancakes. None left for her.

"Are you going to date Zach now?" Honor asked her, "Since mom says you and Montgomery are done."

Her mother scoffed. "That's all she needs. Another boy to play with. You leave Zach alone."

Ophelia tried to hide her hurt. "I thought you always wanted me and Zach together."

"Of course," she said simply, "But not now. Not while you are still playing games. Purposefully breaking hearts."

"I'm not-" Ophelia stopped herself. She couldn't risk beginning to cry again. It would ruin her makeup.

Ophelia just said, "I'm going to school."

"Better run!" Honor called after her. "You won't make it if you walk. No more boyfriend to drive you."

Loose Change~ Montgomery De La Cruz / Zach Dempsey/Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now