Part 2 Chapter 12a

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It was Rep Night. The night Montgomery had drugged Hannah, taken her into the hills, and taken photos of her topless.

Montgomery was driving back to Ophelia's house now, to drop her off. Then Montgomery would get rid of Hannah.

Pulling up her house, Ophelia was silent. She refused to say a word to him. He parked in her driveway.

"I love you-"

She got out of the car, slamming his door and heading inside her house, ready to crawl in the bed, cover her eyes, and pretend nothing had happened that night.

Montgomery drove back to the high school. By the time he got there, of course he regretted things. He didn't process how much trouble he could get into until he realized he didn't know what to do with Hannah. He couldn't send her home, and he couldn't just leave her anywhere, right?

He thought about leaving her on the football field. No, that was too risky. What if she died? He would be to blame. He would go to jail.

Montgomery decided he would leave her in the only place he knew he wouldn't get in trouble. He parked next to the Clubhouse, coming in from the forest side so that he could come close.

Montgomery went to the back of the truck, pulling back the tarp, and seeing her body, slightly moving. She must have been waking up. He picked her up, carrying her gently to the entrance of the Clubhouse.

He pushed the door open, and nearly dropped her.

Bryce day inside, alone.

He sent Montgomery a confused look, but Bryce was clearly high out of his mind.

"Dude, what the fuck?"

"Shit..." Montgomery said to himself. He kept his grip on Hannah. He thought of an excuse. "She, uh, she had to much to drink. Ophelia told me I should let her sleep in here."

He wondered if Bryce would believe him. He was surprised to find that Bryce didn't seem to care.

"Go ahead."

Bryce was sitting in the recliner across from the couch, so set her down on the couch. He laid her, carefully.

When he turned around, Bryce was holding out a bud to him.

"Take some, friend."

Montgomery hesitated. He shouldn't. He should take off now, while he still could.

"Actually, I should get home," Montgomery tried.

Bryce scoffed. "Come on, no ones waiting up for you. Just take a few hits."

Bryce was right. No one was waiting up for him that night. Montgomery took a seat on the field up chair next to the couch.

Montgomery took a hit off the bud. And then Bryce pulled out a pipe, and more weed than Montgomery thought he had. And pretty soon, Montgomery was stoned too. For a while, he forgot about the shit he did that night. Until he looked over, and saw Hannah still on the couch.

They were there for about two more hours, before Montgomery realized it was already one am. He came down around two.

"I really need to leave," Montgomery said. "My dad will be pissed if he leaves for work and I'm not there."

"Alright," Bryce told him. "Let's get a photo first."

Bryce pulled out the polaroid camera. Montgomery hesitated. "Maybe not this time."

Loose Change~ Montgomery De La Cruz / Zach Dempsey/Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now