Part 4 Chapter 5b

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tw: slight mentions of past sexual assault, sexual content

Boys are mean.

To everyone. Not just girls, they're mean to each other. They tease each other and bully each other and hurt each other, and then they have the nerve to call girls the dramatic ones.

Say what you will about the evils of the girls at Liberty, they would never have set up what the football team had for Clay at the Valentine's Day Dance.

"Fake blood on a dummy wearing a prison uniform?" Tony cringed. "That's the most fucked up thing I ever heard of."

Charlie sighed. "In their defense, the blood was just on the dummy. Clay was the one who smeared it all over himself."

"There never should have been a bloody dummy in the first place!" Tony insisted.

Again, the group had all met in Clay and Justin's bedroom. Only, Clay wasn't there. He was supposed to be, but he wasn't. Justin had no idea where he had gone off to. Zach hadn't come either. Justin hadn't seen him since the dance, when he made him leave Ophelia alone.

And then Justin had left Ophelia alone...Alone to be found by Clay.

"In their defense?" Justin snapped. "They put fake blood all over the showers, and gave him a fake knife to make him look like a fucking psycho."

"They didn't make him walk into the dance," Charlie told him. "But I agree, it was fucked up."

Alex rolled his eyes. "It was more than fucked up. Who the hell would do that?"

Ani sighed as she took a seat next to Justin. "Someone who whole heartedly believes in Montgomery's innocence."

"Give it a fucking rest," Justin said. "We know how they feel about Monty. We've been knowing. But they can't keep fucking with Clay like this. They didn't just scare him, they scared the fuck out of Ophelia who was corned by him in the fucking bathroom for almost twenty minutes until someone found them."

Justin had been mad at Jessica that night. He felt for barely half an hour. How was he supposed to know all that shit would happen?

Ani didn't seem as concerned with her getting trapped as she was with the question, "What was Ophelia even doing in that bathroom?"

"Probably looking for somewhere to hide from a psycho with a knife," Alex mumbled.

Justin took a deep breath, before standing to his feet and pointing an accusing finger at her. "This is all because of that fucking flyer you had them send out. The one that said they couldn't talk about Monty and shit."

Ani crossed her arms, holding her ground. "Since then, they haven't been talking about him-"

"Yes, they fucking have," Justin spat. "You're just not there to hear it, Ani. No one likes talking in front of the nosiest girl in the whole fucking school."

Justin was beyond angry. At the football team, at Ani. Couldn't people just leave things alone? Ophelia was pregnant with his godchild. And she's been the most stressed out of everyone because of Ani. 

"Hey, now," Charlie said, trying to keep things light.

Ani huffed. "If it wasn't for me Clay would have gotten charged for Bryce's death."

"He was innocent!" Justin said. "We could've proved it! Now, no matter how much proof, Monty's friends will always think it was him!"

"It's better for them to talk in whispers," Ani said. "We don't need them poking around-"

Loose Change~ Montgomery De La Cruz / Zach Dempsey/Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now