Part 2 Chapter 3

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"I made a mistake, Monty."

Montgomery turned around, shocked to find Ophelia standing in his room. He had just gotten out of the shower, and had been in the middle of changing into his pajamas. He only had shorts on at this time. His chest was bare, and he noticed how her eyes were staring at him, taking in his whole body.

"How the fuck did you get in here?"

Ophelia just pointed out the door. "Estela let me in."

Montgomery hesitated. "Estela's not here. No ones here right now."

Ophelia looked guilty. "Okay. I'm sorry, I just came in. I really wanted to see you."

Ophelia walked closer to him.

He was untrusting. "Why?"

Ophelia continued walking until she was right next to him. She reached out and put a hand on his chest. Montgomery almost flinched at her touch. But then he relaxed and leaned into it.

"I just broke up with Zach."

Montgomery was beyond surprised. "W-What?"

Ophelia told him. "He said he hated you. And then he asked me if I loved him more than I loved you. And I didn't. I couldn't. You were right, Monty. I can never love someone like I loved you."

Montgomery watched as she moved her hand up his chest to his face and caressed his cheek. Her touch so familiar yet so far away. Her beautiful eyes seeming to gaze right into his soul, as though deciding whether or not he was worthy of her again.

Will things be different?

Of course they would. He would make sure of it.

"I meant what I told you," Ophelia said, "What I told you at Hamlin's."

The fact that she brought it up astounded him. Because he thought she forgot about it, while it ate him alive everyday.

"I meant more than that," she told him. "I want you back, Monty. Will you take me back?"

He felt like he would pass out, but the excitement and adrenaline kept him conscious. As did the confusion. How could she possibly think he would say no?

"Of course."

He was barely able to say it. He was barely able to speak at all.

Ophelia smiled. "Do you think you can love me again? The way you used to?"

He couldn't let her think he ever stopped. "I'll love you more, O."

Ophelia smiled, this time showing her teeth. "I love that name, ya know? Zach used to call me it. But it never felt the same. It's your name for me. Only yours."

He could only nod. Montgomery looked out his door, into the hallway and living room to make sure no one had come in. He looked down at Ophelia again.

She kissed him before he even realized she was leaning towards him. He devoured her. His mouth hot and open, her letting his tongue dominate hers.

He broke off to say, "I love you."

Suddenly, Ophelia was on his bed. He hadn't seen her move. Montgomery fell on top of her. He connected their lips again, and grabbed the back of her head. His fingers gripped her hair, and normally she would have hissed in pain, but now she made no sound. He kept her face slammed into his as he consistently dominated her mouth.

He used a free hand to harshly grip her thigh, which now felt bare. He kissed down her neck before hungrily returning to her lips.

Her clothes were off, suddenly. He didn't question the haste in which it happened. Her hands were on his shorts, and he felt the air on his body as they came off completely.

Loose Change~ Montgomery De La Cruz / Zach Dempsey/Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now