Part 4 Chapter 3a

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a/n: I made a mistake guys! I messed up Ophelia's age in this story. Her birthday is in February, so she would've still been 16 during Hannah's trial. She did not turn 17 until after breaking up with Montgomery. She is currently 17, turning 18 after the Valentine's Day dance episode :)

if there are any more inconsistencies please point them out here! Next chapter I will put answers if there are any questions caused by my mistakes!

tw: mentions of past rape, mentions of death, no sexual content but sexual thoughts

"They just wrote what everyone was thinking'? Zach, what in the fuck would possess you to say that?"

Jessica was seething at Zach. Her shoulders going up and down with each angered pant.

"Are you fucking insane? We don't want her to think any of that shit is true," she snapped at him.

Jessica, Zach, Ani, Clay, and Justin were all standing outside, near a wall, in view of the group of seniors lined up at the school busses, but far enough that no one would hear.

Zach laughed, shaking his head. "Fucking obviously she's gonna hear about it. Don't worry, I didn't admit your and Alex's little secret."

Jessica glared at him. "All of our secrets."

"Yeah, true." Zach nodded, acting as if he agreed with her before pointing out, "But it's kind of more your secret."

Shaking her head she snapped at him, "You did so much worse to Bryce than I did that night."

The smile was instantly wiped off Zach's face.

Ani placed a hand on Jessica's shoulder. "Zach's being arrogant, but he's right. This isn't the first time she's heard these rumors."

The 'rumors' of Montgomery being framed.

Justin scoffed. He was angry at Zach too, but for a lot of different reasons. "But Zach's the one acting guilty all the time."

Zach, previously leaning against the wall, stood up straight now. "I'm acting guilty?"


"You freeze up whenever anyone mentions Montgomery's name in the locker room."

"Fucking obviously it still freaks me out a bit," Justin snapped at him. "Especially since they're blaming my brother for this shit. I'm the one who has to stand up for him."

Clay was standing awkwardly behind Ani. He nodded to Justin. "Oh. Um, thanks, Justin."

"Okay, okay," Ani whispered in a hushed voice. "Boys, calm down. Obviously we all act a little guilty because we are guilty. We did frame Montgomery. But no one can prove it. No one will believe the same football players that sympathize with that man. You know who people will believe? Ophelia. If she starts talking, people will listen. She is the one person who has no reason to lie."

"So maybe we should just make a rule Zach has to stay away from Ophelia. I'm sure she wouldn't mind it." Jessica suggested snidely. She still hadn't completely forgiven Zach for flying off the handle after Montgomery's death.

"Yeah, right," Zach snapped. "We're closer than anyone else here."

Jessica narrowed her eyes at him. "Are you? Still? She told us about the Snapchat video you sent her."

For a moment, Zach hesitated.

"I don't even know what you're talking about."

Jessica gave a serious snort. "Oh really? I'll jog your memory. It was a video of you having sex." Zach turned away. Justin's eyes widened. "You were fucking some girl from the back and decide to take a quick video and send it off to dear Ophelia. Tell me, did the girl you were fucking even know you took a video?"

Loose Change~ Montgomery De La Cruz / Zach Dempsey/Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now