Part 2 Chapter 8a

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"You can tell me what he did," Ophelia had told Chloe. "Tell me what he did, I can help you."

But Chloe hadn't stayed in the restroom. She left after she was sure Ophelia was safe. Chloe didn't want help, not yet. Ophelia couldn't blame her, because she refused it as well. Ophelia also knew her words were empty. She could try to help, but she wasn't sure she could do anything. Not when it came to Bryce. His family was so protected.

Ophelia missed Alex's party. She gave him a gift after school, when she first saw him. It was small bag full of candy bars and treats since she knew his parents weren't allowing him to have any sugar.

He thanked her, and reminded her of the party, but Ophelia said she wasn't sure if she would be able to go. He asked if it was because of Zach, because Courtney had told them they had broken up, but she insisted it wasn't.

The truth was, Ophelia's mom didn't allow her to go anywhere that night, because her testimony was the next morning. It loomed over her that day, especially when Mr. Porter had pulled her out of class to talk to her about it.

"I understand you will be taking the stand tomorrow morning," he told her.

Ophelia nodded, fidgeting uncomfortably in the chair across from his desk.

Mr. Porter paused for a moment. He asked, "Ophelia, is there anything I can do for you? Here at school, to help you get through this hard time?"

Ophelia was surprised at Mr. Porter's words. She didn't think of him as a caring man, after hearing his tape. But maybe Hannah's tape only caught him at a bad moment. Maybe he was trying to make up for it.

Ophelia shook her head. "No, but thank you."

Mr. Porter sighed. He admitted, "I have listened to the tapes, Ophelia."

She was shocked at his bluntness. She looked to the door, checking to see if it was cracked open, if anyone could hear them. It wasn't.

"You don't need to worry about anyone hearing, Ophelia," Mr. Porter told her, noticing his haste, "What I want you to do is tell me, has Montgomery De La Cruz put his hands on you at all since you have been back to school?" She cringed. "I heard he followed you into the bathrooms today after the pep rally. Did anything happen?"

Ophelia wondered how many other people heard.

"No," she told him. "He just-He just wanted to talk."

"Mr. De La Cruz doesn't seem like someone who chooses to use this words during times of conflict," Mr. Porter pointed out. "I'm sure you know this. In fact, I don't think he's gone an entire month without a suspension, or at least a detention, caused by his violent nature."

She realized he was right. Montgomery got detention at least once a month, like he said. And yes, some of it had to do with his absenses, or lack of work ethic, but a lot of it had to do with fighting.

He fought a lot for a boy in high school. And he was given so many second chances from the school itself.

He'd been given so many second chances from her...

Maybe the reason his behavior never changed is because he was never forced to change it. Everyone bent over backwards for him, the teachers, the coaches. He was an amazing athlete, and at Liberty High that meant you were untouchable.

"Why did you call me in here?" Ophelia asked him, ready for him to get to the point of what he wanted.

Mr. Porter sat forward, now leaning on his desk, closer to her.

Loose Change~ Montgomery De La Cruz / Zach Dempsey/Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now