Chapter 17

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Zach was sent by his mother to bring a large bowl of soup to the Tristano household. Apparently, there was a car accident on the way home from the Winter Ball, and Ophelia had flown into the dash board, breaking her nose.

His mom made him take the soup, but he brought ice cream as well, but that had been his decision. When he rang the doorbell, it was actually Montgomery who answered.

"Hey, Dempsey" he greeted. He leaned against the doorway like he owned the house. "Whatcha got there?"

"It's for Ophelia" he told him. "She's here, right?"

"Yeah, she's upstairs." He looked unmotivated to bring her to the door.

"Can you tell her that I'm here?" he asked, trying to not become impatient. But the bowl in his hand was getting heavier and heavier.

Montgomery was unconvinced. "She's resting."

But Ophelia's mother appeared behind Montgomery. "Zachary! Come in, come in!"

Zachary smiled at Mrs. Tristano. "Thank you."

Montgomery begrudgingly took a step back, allowing Zach to enter.

He stepped inside, and her mother took the soup out of his hands, hurrying to the kitchen to set it down. He kept the ice cream with him.

"Hey, Zach" he heard Ophelia say. He looked to the top of the stairs, and his mouth dropped open.

"Holy shit..."

A large bandage was placed over her nose, but he could see the bruising coming out underneath it. There was also bruising just bellow her right eye, close to her nose. Her eyes looked more sunken in, and she looked like she lost weight.

"What the fuck happened?" he demanded to know.

Montgomery spoke for her. "This fucking asshole in front of us slammed on his brakes in a fifty mile an hour zone. I was barely able to keep from crashing into the son of a bitch. Ophelia's head slammed on the fucking dashboard."

Zach looked from Montgomery, back to Ophelia. "Were you able to get their plate number? You should have them reported!"

"Nah, the turned a corner and left too fast" Montgomery explained.

Zach, now more than ever, just wanted to hear what Ophelia had to say.

"Does it still hurt a lot?"

Montgomery did not answer for her this time, instead he waited, listening.

"Yes," she got out. Her voice was low, and it cracked, like she had not spoken in a while. "It stings. A lot. Like...a little reminder."

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Montgomery put his head down, looking away from her.

"I brought you ice cream" Zach offered. "If that'll help any. Sorry, I don't know if it will."

Ophelia didn't say anything, she just nodded, and looked towards her boyfriend.

"Thanks for coming over, Dempsey," Montgomery told him. He reopened the door for him, giving him an exit, imploring he left now. "We appreciate it."

Loose Change~ Montgomery De La Cruz / Zach Dempsey/Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now