Chapter 6

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Ophelia sat with her legs crossed on her bed. In her hand was her cell phone. She was on the phone with none other than Hannah Baker. 

"I don't know, girl" she told her, "Marcus is kind of shady. I don't think I'd go out with him.

'Obviously' Hannah answered, 'You have a boyfriend.'

Ophelia snorted, "Yeah, and he would flip his shit if I ever went out with one of his-"

Ophelia stopped herself suddenly. She almost said 'one of his best friends'. That was definitely too much information for her . 

'One of his what?' Hannah asked, pouncing on the new clue, 'One of his teammates?' 

Ophelia sighed, "Fine! I'll give you that one. Marcus is one of his teammates. But I'm not telling you which sport!"

Hannah started laughing with sudden glee. "Marcus is a baseball player, isn't he? He's definitely a-

The bedroom door suddenly flew open, thudding against the wall carelessly. Ophelia immediately hung up the call  dropping her phone as Hannah's laugh faded in her ears. 

Montgomery stepped inside, holding two paper grocery bags. Ophelia didn't even hear the door open down stairs.

"Guess what, babe? I stopped by the store for some snacks." He spoke casually, as if he didn't just scare her with his unannounced presence. Then again, it's not the first time he's done this.

"S-Snacks?" she asked him, "For what?"

Had she forgotten a date night?

"I don't know" he mumbled, setting the bags on her previously tidy night stand, "I thought we'd watch a movie or something."

He was turned to her fully now. His eyes seemed to drag themselves to her phone, which laid facing down on her blanket. Yet, he could still tell she was on it only moments ago. 

His eyes flickered to her for only a moment before looking back to her phone. 

"Who were you talking to?"

His voice sounded cold. But his breath hit her hot as he became suddenly so much closer. 

"No one." She brushed off.

His phone was in her hand before she realized he was close enough to grab it. She quickly changed her story. "It was just Hannah."

His eyes seemed glued to her phone. He sat next to her on the bed. He clicked the home button, and her phone lit up with nine numbers, awaiting her to put in her passcode. Montgomery seemed to be waiting for the same thing. 

He watched her with patient eyes, handing the phone back to her in fake trustworthiness. "Show me."


"The call log. Show me."


There was an unfamiliar coldness that swept through the school that day. It emitted off the brunette boy with the large earphones. His cold stare wore her down from across campus.

Loose Change~ Montgomery De La Cruz / Zach Dempsey/Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now